Andy Cruz
New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio is a bisexual nut who often lies and was elected playing ethnic identity platform by a really underclass urban hillbilly populace that should be in living on a certain unnamed island in the Caribbean instead of being allowed to go back and forth meddle into American politics for as long as the have This is basically what PRs serve as a identity group and Alexandria Cortez is their unofficial leader and president/Governor or whatever. The crazed whore had a town old road hall the other day and another woman more loco than her showed up to talk about the Green new deal and the need to save the planet for the over breeders Brown people around the world. Nothing is ever said about the overpopulation for Black and Brown people but this is a
rabbit hole the leftist internationalists and socialist never wish to speak and instead focus on the industrial might of modern countries that have lowered their birthrate and resource use compared to the unproductive shit holists of the globe. The woman confronting Alexandra Ocasio Cortez is a result of the craziness that these far-left politicians fear mongering and lying that the Earth has ten years left and woman like Ocasio Whore Cortex and other leftists need to be held liable for their insanity and total fabrication of the dangers people live because they are so green in jealously of the energy Establishment and hierarchical dominance of global importance and economies. Angry far left socialists know they cannot take over gas and energy private sectors as easily as they were bale to take over Western political parties . This is why they are so desperate and seek the death of industry and large energy fossil fuel companies as they thus power and enable the power of the state.
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