President Trump has a rally in Milwaukee and bashes far-left socialists anti-American politicians like Nik Kovak

 Bert Berg
   President Trump at raucous  rally in Milwaukee the other day attacking various opponents everybody from the rotten Democrat Bernie Sanders to Sanctuary cities and in particular in Wisconsin the far left-wing politicians in Madison Wisconsin and Milwaukee. Donald trump laid it into Bernie Sanders and said he has never met this senator fro Vermont and wondered how such an idiot with his ideology even made it to the US senate. Trump said Bernie is not even qualified to be a state senator in Vermont and I would be willing to add this mad should not even head the state animal welfare fund or dog
catching division Bernie Sander sis such an inept piece of shit the globalists found out of the blue and have current funded and pushed onto the political spectrum so seeking America to crash economically and become weakened. Trump called Bernie Sangers a racist and a sexiest and totally believes Bernie made these accusations that Elizabeth Warner accused him of in the past week as Trump says Bernie appears to be such a nasty man whose brain is becoming egg nog.
Trump said he wouldn't shake this old geezers hand either as his hand is swarming with lice and bacteria or something. Trump also bashed the shit out of the liberal mainstream media for supporting the Iranian regime and daring to question why it should be controversial to take out a blood spewing Iranian general fascists.
Trump kept his best for last tearing into the sanctuary city madness of nearby Madison,Wisconsin and Milwaukee, Wisconsin and their crazed leftest leaders in particular alderman Nik Kovak who is perhaps one of the biggest pieces of shit ever to get himself elected to any
position. Trump into the lies and propaganda of Kovak's pirate Rover West Radio show and how radial parts of Milwaukee and Bernie supporters are whom he compared to scum of the Earth bringing about the decline and weakening morally of what was once a prosperous America blue-collar working city.and created a leftist inequality and racially divisive fuck place that elected idiots like Alderman Nik Kovak. It was great to see Trump finally bash some of his vocal propagandists and critics in this great rally we attended in Milwaukee and literally tear into identity politics and crummy globalist financed scummy political landlords  like fucking dipshit  Kovak and Bernie Vermont.

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