Shane Dawson suggests that if hospitals and health care professions need beds they should just take Mattress Firms and Mattress Giants

  Bert Berg
   YouTube superstar Shane Dawson likes to wear make up and is a proud soy boy from Saturday to Friday. Shane Dawson is tired of hearing all of this talk of not enough beds and the inability for health care professions to have space for these sick people stricken with common colds and flues that have ow been re branded as Coronovirus. Shane Dawson says government should basically just confiscate and take over the hundreds of thousand Mattress Firm and Mattress giant retail stores often open year round to have five people a day browse for these products.
These retail mattress stores have always been unnecessary and propped  up to supply money to the rent seeking  villages and suburbs across America than ever meeting actual demand or need. Shane Dawson says now is the time for communities stricken with this pandemic to make use of this space and the amount of beds needed for sick people waiting in lines in emergency rooms unable to get a fucking bed and room in this tie of need.
The mattresses have millions and millions of beds that sit in these big box stores unoccupied along with millions of beds stacked and stored in warehouses across this nation thus Shane says there are more than enough beds. Shane also said he has a crush on the Mattress Giant cartoon brand and wishes he could hook up an he use to draw the corporate cartoon logo naked in his high school notebooks.

The coronovirus scam and conspiracy is clearly meant to divert and give more money Shane says to the health care professions and manufactures who tend to hire more foreign born imports and spend int politically on the extreme left and he truly believes this is the main motivation why globally we are seeing the fake news announce practically all natural deaths as being caused and survivors marked down for Coronovirus when in fact they have other health medical issue such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease etc etc as James Corbett would say. Shane wants all this silly geese talk of already death bed old people taking reservations for 4 by 6 coffins as all political garbage  and money grab hype for the health care elites and he wishes it could go away and he can start his  make make up fashion business he had long planned but is now threatened with these business shutdowns.

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