The Three stooge Bugle podcast Nato Green ,Turstan Baratunde ,Andy Zaltzman encouraged by Gypsy Moths, Murder Hornets , toxic algae frogs, combative Cormorants terror, Giant hailstorms and for other biblical plagues

  Gus Perkowski
   Nato Green is a far-left radical shit bag who appears often on John Oliver's former partner Andy Zaltzman and the Bugle podcast. The two praised the creation and energized Monster  murder hornets and their invasive species into the United State as this insect and other plagues falling onto the Western world is redemption ny the far leftists radicals Andy Zaltzman , Nasty Nato  Green and guest  on a recent redemption of the Bugle Podcast. Nato and Bugle guest Baratunde Thurstan praised for new  plagues to be delivered to destroy the capitalist consumeratory world and hoped for more Murder hornets to sting the masses and asses of people and also praised the increase and invasive species

Gypsy moths to wreck havoc with our food system. he trio also praised the spread of  algae spreading frogs to wreck havoc on the human population g with murderous comet-like large hailstones that will rock N Roll the human population and bring about more damage and misery for humanity that Nato
Green,Andy Zaltsman, and Mr Thurston wish to see Mother Earth plunder our habitats and retribution for what they and other environmental whack jobs have in store. Te possible terror and attacks for Combative Cormorants also alarms these three bird brains and hopefully this invasive species avian  monsters attacks these guys first from their Hungarian base.

The crazed leftists shits especially the stupid Black radical Thirsty Baratunde blamed president Trump for being mass genocidal killer of 100,000 Americans which is absurd asinine  and this man has moths in his brain. The bloody bastard Baratunde is stupider than a brik and says nada and puts no blame on  China ans this virus was obviously released a vengeful and evil Chinese Communist totalitarian state. These three propagandists think nothing of this and instead believe the Earth is attacking us form all angles because the planet is mad at the apes daring to drive and burn fossil fuels instead of riding and smelling horseshit and sticking to 5000 Lance Armstrong racing bikes.  These three shits somehow put all viral deaths not on Democratic policy and nursing home sham or the incompetent  health scare industry but put full blame on president as this whole Coronvirus scam was political from day one and long planned by the health globalists.
Trump didn't squash it in time and somehow he is to be put full blame as this shit head wold blame Trump fr the 600,000 deaths in the 1861-65 civil war. The amount of lies and propaganda the Bugle and theirso called "comedians" use to basically attack Trump and play the race card was evident again ans this is another foreign platform of crazed individuals trying their best to meddle into the affairs and politics of the United States.  These three screwballs vowed to stop eating Frog and Toad legs
when going out to eat worried about the biblical plagues and the toxicity and venom that  may be about thanks to the spread of toxic algae fucked up frogs escaping their watery habitats trough overpopulation and storm fronts. These shit also mocked those who want to rescue the Untied Sates and rise up against the foreign funded politicians who think along the sides of these three fuck tards Nato ,Andy, and this low intelligent Black guy.
Andy Zaltzman is a ugly jewtard Larry Fine three stooge looking clown who continues to run the Bugle and the lies attacking his political enemies as a good transnational hack for ire in Great Britain,  Canada, India, Australia,New Zealand, and the United States with a small audience and a fuck face from hell perfect for the audio archives and radio waves and away from the sight and visual order that is provided by a flat video screen.

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