Tommy Sotomayer comes out strong against leBron James and the race hustlers

Milton Wiener
   YouTube popular host Tommy Sotomayer came out in strong condemnation to the billionaire baller who safely live sin White neighborhoods in the Bel Air of California and who lies and misinformed immediately when news of the Ahumad Arby's shooting came out form the state of Georgia. Tommy Sotomayer mentioned all of the rap stars and their entertainers who were not hunted down by White people but were killed by Black folks as he mentioned Nipsey Hustle and Papa Smoke and these other rapers with strange and bizarre names. Tommy Sotmayer says the race hustler jumped and lied saying that a Black jogger was randomly victimized and killed for the crime of running Black when new
evidence was now presented showing this could the the furthest form the truth and the fact is the racists on the left and Black supremacists again distorted a story presenting it in a way to suit their needs. Leborn James is so filled with drugs and the lies of Nation reporter Dave Zrin that he doesn't even l know the stupidity that he tweets about on race and Mr Sotomayer made a personal plea to this jagoff baller and asked him to stop his hate against White people and lies and misinformation trying to inflame the African America population and Mr Sotomayer bashed the Los Angeles Lakers star a new bright shinny asshole. Tommy told the screwball Brian James that he should watch the video and how is it someone is jogging when they walk and loiter around a construction site looking for
valuable tools or other construction material to take which Ahmud likely would later try to pawn in order to generate some money perhaps to purchase some weed. Aubrey Ahmad was not an innocent victim but caused his own death by refusing to be detained by citizen arrest in preparation for exchange with law authorities and the scumbag went after a mans shotgun that was loaded and that alone warranted him to be smoked in self defense and this si something the liars and race hustlers like King James totally ignore because the basketballs tar is an ignorant asshole wishing to spread dissent on orders and support for China.  Leroy James is a race hustle ignorant asshole always has been one and always will be the king of it all

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