Casey Kelso
I have been following the horrible news of these far left radicals embarrassing progressives with their overreach and tactics and many of them are going overboard with their destruction of statues and property of famous individuals throughout the country. The radial are now attacking any symbols of national pride and history and many statutes have been toppled,beaten, beheaded , chalked, spray-painted,defaced,chipped, and broken in their bizarre attempt to destroy all vintages of humanity on marble and basically these people are our versions of the Taliban and need to be taken up arms and struggled against in warfare much like Afghanistan's put up arms and resisted the devils of the Taliban in the banana stands of of Afghanistan.
People forget that radical Muslims in Afghanistan destroyed and violently looted peoples business including the famed banana stand mom and pop family stands through the years and eventually the Taliban were resisted and their extremism fought back against by force called the Northern Alliance whom were the silent majority much like many Middle America and didn't do enough to stop the spread of radical movements like the Taliban and ti sis being replayed in the West.
In Milwaukee there is a movement and treats against the famed Fonz Barbaellin statue along the river in Milwaukee as may young fascists think because the Foz represented America bravado from the period of the fifties and that he was a womanizing sexiest his statue needs to go into the abyss. te Fonz statue is perhaps the most famous and well photographed and famous state in the city of Milwaukee an having it go away and defaced would be more typical left wing horseshit.
The Michele Jordan statue incredibly s also iunde attack along the Chicago Stadium on the West side of Chicago. Michael Jordan basically paved the way for corporations to divert money into a narrow segment and he basically helped build the arena and promote the sport of basketball into it prominent global dominance as a top most popular sport in the world. Michael Jordan's statue as already been defaced and the evil forces that seek to topple and destroy it will not give up although they have a struggle and fight as there always is a heavy security and police presence near this state that forever ha had treats and ad greedy eyes looking to seize it and put it in dsme foreign museum
The there is the case of the Sherwin McPherson statue in Indianapolis. Again people hate this state not because of some political angle or mistreatment of ahhhhh this man upon other sin the past by because this statue of Sherwin and hi dog ruffles are totally unnecessary and inappropriate as this man accomplished little to nothing in life and many people wonder who and why this state was even create to begin with. his statue has received more canine visits and wetting than actual people coming about and reading the plaque to see who this local man is in the city of Indianapolis and why this clown has a statue for himself after death. or every statue of historical figures and famous people like Christoper Columbus there are five statues of nobodies and zeros really undeserving of not even a statue but undeserving of even a toppling protest of it.
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