Tik Tok is an application of the CCP China that is used to spy and steal peoples information and dialogue for nefarious purposes. India has already banned this Chinese viral computer weapon and now finally Mike Pomperoa secretary of state for the Trump administration has also talked about shutting down this viral operation and Chinese application used typo and spread dissent within the young population especially girls into hating this county. Tik Tok is used to spread viral attack and hatred for this nation in various means and is not just a tool to be used for dance and spread through the infamous OK boomer girl and other dance phenomenons and internet personalities such as Pokimane Fortnight and others.
Tik Tok is serous Chinese breachs into our security and society and it should be immediately shut down totally to for their actions and this evil country as it continues to use technology and Chinese spies and now application. Anyone going on Tok Tok is open up to any and all their information being taken by what is pretty much the world most evil regime and government not seen since World War II and why Tik Tok hasn't been shit down or talk if it until now is quite fucking unbelievable. Zhang Yiming should never been allowed to offer and push this dissenting dance propagandist sight made u largely of influential liberals trying to use their celebrity status to affect politics and push a liberal slant and globalist vision of a Zhang Yiming.
Tik Tok is one of many Chinese tech firms that are allowed by the leftist business leaders to grow and spy on this country and spy on other citizens of other nations and then China uses this information to their benefit. This si a disgusting company from a discussing authoritative and oppressive nation that is on the forefront of massive surveillance technology meant to repress their own dissent and control and enslave a vast majority of its people. China controls our media and attempt to control our tech companies and youth through youth related applications such as Tik Tok and we should follow India's lead and destroy the right of this Spyware company from being able to be downloaded and used by our citizens.
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