Massive anti-lockdown protests hit Rome and are an international inspiration

   Bernardo Romano

    The people of Rome had enough and took to the streets in some of the most violent anti-lock down battled with the police seen in Europe and more and more the Europeans re figuring out as Greeks did decades ago s that their government represents global banks and health fascists instead of the average citizens. Europeans are starting to see these virus restrictions as classically permanent restrictions and a attack on their lifestyle and culture initiated by these border erasing globalists and those  born outside Italy form other lands and stans and now native indigenous Europeans are having their rights and civil liberties eroded  by this insanity and health global fascism  enabling measures meant to imprison them like Palestinians.  

Mainly right-wing Italians in hoods took to the streets and battled the oppressive health fascist occupied government in Italy that is seeking to destroy the very soul of the Italian people and using Covid 19 to destroy the freedoms as this is another front of the globalist war on the West initiated by the banking and third world class of health Nazis an is also a radicalized war against the European liberal rights won through the centuries and we believe in being lead and payed a large part by Asian authoritarians and allies of China both of Chinese heritage and of other Asiatic order. The Coronovirus is a race war against White Europeans and the Eastern society of values and ideals .

The traitors in the Italian government working with this global medial martial law to lock up and attack the livelihood and culture of Italians will ultimately pay the same process along with their Asian doctor  allies that Benito Mussuloni paid a price during the last years of World War II and we beg and demand Europeans throughout the restrictive Covid zones to stand up to the fascist sin their governments meaning ill will while lying stating it is for their benefit that the government can tell them what to put on your fucking face and licking you and your business up. 

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