Noel Parker
President Trump came out in Macon Georgia and held a loud rambunctious rally of republicans with another packed house and I believe the same day Barack Hussein Obama came put stumping for Joe Biden because well Biden has kept a lid and he is hiding out scared of Coronovirus or the axman of New Orleans. Joe Biden can no longer formulate complete sentences or think property and his team is fearful that the voting public will see the dementia and inabilities of this man the more he is show with his aging capabilities the less of a chance this old clown has of ever being elected to the highest office in this nation.
Only banking money and the work it has done in controlling and manipulation this guy explains why he was a senator for so long for an inconsequential state in the Northeast and was hand selected by Obama and Rahm Emmanuel and other Jewish bankster to be the running mate for the first occupied non-citizen of the White house and president of the United States. Both Trump and Obama unmercifully tore into those who divide and misinform on politics with both agreeing that Daily Shows' Trevor Noah is a worthless fuck tard unfunny to the bone no doubt about it. Trump delivered a seething attack on Noah say he is one of the worse propagandists of late night television as that the globalist hand selected host who replaced John Stewart doesn't know a thing about American politics and just reads from script an TelePrompter in order to try to sway celebrity culture and fans onto the side of the Democrats.
This Kenyan born man held a rally of a sparse crowd where there as ten people and perhaps fifty cars that honked like a silly goose to the obvious and cringe worthy propaganda of Barack Obama who at one time was a clear and clever speaker but the shot I saw him speaking it is amazing this man was president. Barack Obama looked dazed and confused and clearly this is not the same speaker and brilliant mind that was in his pre-presidential and eight year sin office and this man has spent a lot of time smoking marijuana and other hard core drugs seems not as energized or clever while on stage as he once did and may explain aside form rigging why he won to elections. he fact that Joe Biden's team needs Barack shows the desperation and truly Barack Obama doesn't care any more about the elections in America as he does of the recent election in Bolivia because this man is a trans nationalist globalist and he wants to be kaput with being in the public eye but figures he needs to make an appearance here or there.
Hussein Obama also bashed fellow east African Trevor Noah as a man of little talent turd trolland who does more damage than good work for the Democrats and that he should consider another line of work more attune with his talents than the rigorous and skill required late night television
propagandist as wanting one of Noah's program the average person can tell i political bias and partisan bullshit with nothing meant to be factual and everything questioned. Obama seemed full of umbrage at how he was treated by Fox television and made t appearance and one must wonder if Barack Obama is laying the ground work for a run in 2020 in the last few weeks and will seek out a third party run against both Biden and Trump or going to run again in 2024.
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