Rishi Sunak and monster Boris Johnson essentially lock down and imprison the English people and a second civil war is predicted by Andy Zaltzman and John Oliver

      Larry Frost

     Joe Biden is elected would give an appalling speech and disturbing goal of imprisoning  American people much like the monster Boris Johnson and his hunchback form India or Pokistan Sunak  Rishi as these two men have singlehandely  decided that in order the battle Covid the Brits people must stay at home and live under curfew and complete isolation. The psychotic Boris Johnson is a dictator from hell and Mr Suank his his heir apparent and their goal is the enslavement and licking up of the British people in order to meet the demands of the New world Order and this order has so inflamed  people that many

people including British Bastards bloody jobs Andy Zaltszman and John Olive predicted a English civil war. The hosts of the popular Bugle podcast on-line is like the largest on-line podcast and John Oliver and Andy Zalztman have been on top heavily criticizing these twin dragons and sick authoritarians that are Boris and Sunak as they are a crazed tag team form mars willingness go to the same lengths of imprisoning the British people with the same determination as the Jews have done to the Palestinians. Andy Zaltzman says the British government is made up of powdered wig plutocrats that hate those  of less means and this is why they are so eager to install a second lock down imprisonment for these classes they resent so much and wish to make their lives more difficult and miserable. Johnson and Sunak are pure evil in their war they wage in the people of Great Britain and wish to spread poverty as much as they can use this Covid threat to meet this initiative. 

Zaltzman and Rushi said Great Britain is headed towards a civil war as increased anti-lock down protests will occur to resist Boris Johnson and his psychotic speech s saying people cannot stand within ten feet of non-family members and he will use the queens army to ensure there are no gathering of more than four people and that within your household people speak and talk with one another as little as possible and you are only to get one hour of exercise out of the house to walk around the block once. the sickening mid evil and draconian measures brought forth by these Londonstan politicians of extreme wealth to oppresses the average person as these two rich men live in castles and have plenty of room and amenities while those of squalor  means are regulated to small space and told by these two fuck jabs they must stay and remain at home because these Kleptcrats say so.

This Rishi Sunak married into one of the wealthiest families i India and has an important finance position in great Britain and someone of his means should not be granted the power he has along with Johnson and this only smells of curry and a new feudalism the super rich wish to use and impose on the people of the world. John Oliver predicted eventually people will get fed up and rise up to overthrow Boris Johnson and the international globalist London fiance crowd that has overtaken these industrial highlands and predicted Britian is on the verge of a civil war.

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