Rand Paul stands up to George Stephanapolus and the impeachment purge of the wicked Democrat and considers running for president in 2024

       Bert Berg

      Rand Paul has shown once again his resistance to big media and the sickening display of Democratic Party censorship and more impeachment horseshit  as Mr Paul stood up to career governmental officla and Bill  Clinton ass kisser George Stephanpolous live on corrupt mainstream media. George Stephanasshole is a corrupt media and governmental career official who scams the system and is now a nitg time propagandist and this silly bastard Greek leftist wanted to have and Paul to say there was no election rigging which Mr Paul refused to answer to George Stephasnakopolis  and stood up to this maniac Stephanpolis and refused to have this idiot tell Mr Paul what to think and say as the mainstream corrupt corporate media often uses fool and tools like this dumb Greek to repeat their talking lines. Mr rand also went to the senate and declared how stupid this

impeachment was and questioned why the senate was not censuring the erratic behavior ad inflammatory rhetoric that comes form the Green party ( There s no Democrat party anymore and Paul said the Green party members have spread dissension and pushed for a insurrection of their own . Paul called out specifically Vermont's shitty senator Bernie Sanders who often inflames citizens  towards violence along with Alexandrian Ocasio Cortoez and Goodman Sachs big business Governor Phil Murphy who should be brought up for investigation and be impeached themselves.

Bernie sander sins one of the most racist. misogynist, homophobic , divisive,  dangerous  lying politician in this nations history and for Bernie Sander snot to be brought up for impeachment and censure while these evil Democrat go after president Trump twice now is a disgrace and double stand and this is the message rand Paul brought  up for all to see in the halls of congress last week. Paul blamed Bernie  for a lunatic leftist targeting  Republican playing softball where Rand Paul was on the field and a Republican official was almost killed in a domestic terrorist act and targeting of politicians by political motivation and said that Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortex and perhaps Pennsylvania governor democrat Ti Wolf should be brought up with the same criminal zeal and investigations these Democrats party corrupt officials are attempting  to do now with ex-president Trump and Paul called these hearings and vote a

sham and is dead on arrival won't  even come close to having  chance or a trial. Rand Paul stood up to the media tyrannical madness of George Stephanapolis and other sin bog media with their unrelenting warfare against our democracy as they seek to attack and damage any and all Republican officials in their bias opinions that they mysteriously are allowed to calla s news when in fact the likes of MSBNC and CCP/?CNN are actually state sponsored Chinese and big Marxism corporate media with the goal of supporting the corrupt political class of the Green party and the  Democrats. rand Paul is world class act and possible a man ready to take off and take over the Trump movement perhaps run for president and pick Donald trump Jr for vice president or vice versa as this man is worthy of respect for his resistance to the tyrannical nature of the political party once known as the Democratic Party that is no longer a American party but should be re branded truthfully as Green Internationalist party and this  may be what we refer to the Democrat from now on as using the name of a one time important and great American political entity disrespects this legacy.

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