Black and white YouTube host blast lesbian Megan Rapinoe demanding same salaries as male athletes

  Guy Baldwin

   Black and White sports host laid it into soccer stuff and female man wanabee Meghan Rapino. The lame ass bitch star of US soccer doesn't realize economics and somehow thinks female WNBA athletes and soccer stars such as herself should be paid in the same ballpark as Lebron James and Ronaldo and in reality few people car about womens sports .

No matte how much the globalist and left-wing progressive media pushes these pathetic competitions and bad sport of female athletes few people are interested in watching or viewing these games and in reality  Meghan Rapino and other trans athletes and female athletes asking to get paid as much as professional sports male athletes is utterly disgusting. Meghan Rapinoe is not even worth getting paid what an average construction worker makes and she asking for millions of dollars   more than an average blue collar make or police,man ,fire men, etc is disgusting its own right and smacks  of extreme elitism and privilege she feels she deserves because she can kick a ball . This woman is a charlatan and disgruntled gaybeian and doesn't know her head from her ass she is so stupid and a idiot for thinking that women show play sports are just as deserving of the millions and millions of dollars as the male athletes despite a dramatic lack of interest or talent.

The demands of this ugly butterfreak Meghan Rapinoe is an insult to working people who actually do a job and not expect to get paid millions like this wench and wicked witch of soccer and  a political dope as the Black and White sports hosts stated the only reason we see this woman so much in the mainstream media and her voice is because of her extremist left-wig politics and nonsense,.

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