Charlmagne Da God blasts New North Carolina coach because he is proud to have a White wife and bi racial children

 Ed West

   Perhaps one of the most vile vulger racist sin new media is the uninteresting and entertaining scumbag named Charlemagne Da God whose program  is filled with all sorts of Black supremacy talk and nonsense yet unlike Tucker Carlson he is never called out for his blatant racism that he spews on his show. Charlemagne gave new head coach of North Carolina college basketball Hubert Davis a Donkie of the day because he made mention during his press conference that he is usually  produce to having a white wife and bi racial children as he is as a Black man and for a Black supremacist like Charlemagne Da God, a horrible host of a hip hop racist talk show called the Breakfast Club, who called out the new coach of North Carolina and called him a donkie because he is proud to have a bi racial family.

This obviously triggered something within in rage with Charlemagne Da God who is a committed Black supremacist and dedicated to pushing t  concept and ideal that heavy melanin is somehow genetically superior and make such more so of a soul because This gay weasel is a committed and open racist that is Charlemagne Da Homo.

Without a doubt interracial marriages upset the Breakfast Host to a outwardly anger that the unhinged and erratic Charlemagne can't handle and the committed Marxist and Black Supremacist called out the new coach f North Carolina for not speaking more on being black and the significance of being this iconic college basketball programs first Black head coach. Charlmagne the Idiot gave this new coach a donkie of the day because he told the press he was married to a White woman. Pathetic

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