Congressman Jim Jordan confronts medical tyranny of Anthony Fauci and corrupt Democrats in puke face Maxine Walters

    Cecil Brewster

    There was a congressional hearing again on trying to end the socialist attack o America under guise of a a pandemic and the little health worm and liar Anything Fauci was again pushing anything lies for the medical industrialists pharmaceutical corporations  on the hot seat from Republicans and worshiped by Democratic Party officials loving these lock down of business that are primarily the funding source of the Republican business party. Jim Jordan is one of the lading figures against  this modern global conspiracy and united tyranny form the ruling governmental forces and me Jordan lambasted this pinhead career

governmental official in the fraudster that is Anthony Fauci who has been declared a holy saint  in the new religion of virus maksondis. Congressman Jordan not only had to take on the challenge of interviewing in five minutes asking tough questioning a man who has mastered the art of the lie and question deflection but he also had to struggle to get this time against the evils of  his colleagues within the chamber investigating the  fraud of Fauci including corrupt California minster and fuck face that is Maxine Walters' challenges and constant disruption and she eventually became such an authoritarian old bitch she told Jim Jordan to shut up in a classic case of disrespect and partisan politics on display that this old crow has done throughout her  disgusting political career. Macine Walter sis suck a ugly troll and shit face she should be forced to wear a mask 24 seven and have it sewn onto her face. 
 Jim Jordan eviscerated the fraudster old bastard who couldn't answer simple questions posed by the Ohio  congressman as when is this mask fascism and pretending of protection racket for a little virus that a cloth mask cannot provide and the forced wearing of masks is all about visual signalling and power control of society by the evil likes and lock folks in the medical field and John Hopkins University angered by their chosen over-paid profession having a requirement of wearing a mask ll day and they want to force the rest of us to be  wearing , Mr Fauci and the medical  tyrants have no plans for assuring  us we can walk into stores and see peoples faces again  as their goal  of undemocratic socialism and tyranny and allow this nonsense has no ending and their virtual signaling an sickness of the mask is only beginning. 

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