Fake News fat pig Brian Stelter has no brain and is confronted by mask fascist journalist

 Brian Brain

    Lard ass fake News CCP network host Brian Steler was confronted as he took an elevator downstairs to the basement for a private shit in a hidden bathroom that the fat ass is embarrassed of smelling the system up, A pro-Trump mask fascist came and confronted him and tried to ask the awful fake news provocateur topped and denied the project vertious scandal where a CNN network executive admitted that CNN is a branch of the Chinese CCP media and worked hard last election system to propagandize and meddle in the election  with their abusive bias and partisan reporting and the fat ars of Brian Stelter is one of the main voices of this rotten fake news network. Brian Stelter's brain was not working as he had trouble arguing points and deny inght obvious and this independent journalist so angered Mr Stelter following him around into the

bathroom and asking questions in the next stall that jackass Brian Stelter  called for backup and security. Brian Stelter is one  of the stupidest men in media a guy is  uninteresting with a face for radio and a hack for China is appears that the CCP network puts this slob out there to be a ugly troll and have their voice amplified with their lies through this network whose low ratings are half of forced one channel screens either in school,train stations,  or airports around this nation 
 Brian Stelter is a brain less nerd who should not be on television and he being on television is a sign of corruption and favoritism as this idiot must have some connections to have ensured this moronic looking fuck turd to be allowed such a platform and job despite his obvious jobber bad looks and talent. Brian was triggered and panicked by the exposure of this reporter who called Stelter out for his continued work at a station where top management made it first goal to work for the Joe Biden election campaign  instead of trying to be un bias news and news corporation should be non partisan and not cheerleader or aiding one political side. Brina Stelter is a fat clown bozo and a total zero. 

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