Geralde Celente tlls Mick Jagger to fuck off

Whitaker Marshall III

      Trendsetter amazing man on the go and run Gerald Celente is the biggest on-line fighter against the fraud f the health scare vaccine industry and he hate the realistic oppression and tyranny we face form this corrupt industry who works in their own self-interest to use the media to lie  to the people and spread fear of a little bitty mini virus. Gerald Celente and others thinking our lock downs and business crushing governmental over reach is as sine and absurd and likely a communist ploy deserving of derision of these suck public health officials who instead are given praise and credence fork this evil media.

Gerald Celente  went off on the artist crowd who back int he day actually were the resisters and would not put up with lock downs,shutdowns and enforcement if masks and demand if vaccines and Gerald Celente went off on the silly bastard known as Mick Jagger of the Rolling stones band. Mick Jagger is an ugly old  asshole

leprechaun looking bastard that was too famous in this life and hopefully will come back in his next life as  a white lab rat meant to feed frogs. Mick Jagger is an asshole and was out in the media telling  people who resit vaccines and said they were idiots who needed to be whipped into submission and forced to take the vaccine and for this Gerald Celente had a special message an flicked  off the rocking drag queen looking bastard in Britian's most famous band outside of Queen which was another London libtard turd like music propaganda band and members. Mick Jagger has been an over-rated jackass in

music and the man is just a ugly looking leprechaun that has been allowed to be an orgy of corruption and money outlet at the end of a rainbow and to be used to this day as a cultural mouthpiece and now telling people they

need to listen to the health nuts and take these dirty vaccines in order to profit up the executives at these health industries selling us worthless drugs much of the time and putting poison into our bodies. Celente eviscerated this morn Mick Jagger and told the fucker to shut up and not allow himself to be used as a tool for the health industrialists who need excuses o create fake vaccines in order to bail out their costs and living standard. Gerald called Jaggar a jag fag and a jagoff and told him t fuck off and go into retirement and act like one in retirement. 

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