Neil De Grass Tyson excited about new Uranus news

 Joe Jupiter

    news came out the other day the scientists finally found Gamma rays on Uranus  and this excited the nimrods of science as apparently no Gamma rays were ever discovered in and around Uranus. This news is a nothing  burger and just bullshit for the likes of Neil De Grasse Tyson to talk about and for the average person not as smart as the scientists they don;t even know nor care about gamma rays in the far reaches and up Uranus. Scientists are excited for discovering Gama ray s for th every first time in the planet named after an anal hole and the implications of this find even if true mean absolutely nada.

Man is not any closer of going to Uranus as they are going to Mars and no amount of horseshit is going to change this fact and I doubt f they even found Gamma rays as it was a slow news day and they just want to make claims that they are working n surveillance  of the deep dark beyond and giving us our moneys worth fr all of the money given to these rocket and space engineers as if their world will ever have any political application studying distant lands and stans like Neptune and Uranus.  Human beings will never make contact onto Urnanus so whether this shit hole planet actually has X Rays is besides  the point as there is not going to ever be a XXX type of business venture and lifestyle on the seventh planet of the solar system  no matter how  much Elon Musk and Ne Grass Tyson lie about it. Scientist shave no idea why it too so long to probe Uranus and discover that it to have Gamma Rays and some headlines are saying the mystery of the universe to what is up the haft hole of this shit hole planet can be discovered  now and this of course is Uranusshit .  How many people really care about Your Anus having X rated gammas spewing out of its stratosphere. Well perhaps after neil De Grasse Tyson maybe a couple of others . 

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