Roman Reigns has the personality of a rock and nobody cares about wrestling after the days of the Rock

 Arnold Buckley

    Wrestlingmania  is around e corner and occasionally I look forward to seeing the matches on the card and to see how much professional wrestling has degraded itself and fallen since the attitude era and days of Stone  Cold Steve Austin and Dwayne Rock" Johnson.  Professional wrestling now days is painfully bad and nothing like its hey day and I's surprised they even are still around seeing the awful shit one comes across occasional flipping though the remote and seeing the bad product now produced by Vincent K McMahon and the WWE.  I guess i hear there is some actual competition as some other billionaire has gotten into the entertainment fake wresting industry and come up with something call All-Elite Wresting an hopefully it  works out  as the product of Vincent K McMahon sucks ass. One of the biggest displays of the decline of the WWE is the face and name of Roman Reigns wrestler and this man is not liked nor ever followed by the few remaining fans of the WWE and Roan Reigns  continues ot main event headlines despite having absolute no personality and charisma. Roman Reigns comes from the famous Tonga family  of Polynesians who

have long bee  established in the WWE and this alone his family connection and pedigree explains why this man is always highlighting the top of WWE cards for like the past decade despite having absolutely no fans. Vince McMahon has ling stopped caring about his product and in ring material and wresting  and sooner or later this company needs to be taken form this mans control and new ownership and leadership executives needed as old Vincent K McMahon is just tarnishing his own brand and company. Roman Reigns  should be in the under card perhaps first few matches of any event instead  of the main event as he too often is despite no ring skills, crowd intensity, or great mic performance. It the Rock and Stone Cold were the attitude era Roman reigns and these other suckie wrestlers can be called the Asshole era of bad wrestlers with no talent and capabilities of reach. I will watch a few matches of this bad WWE product i the past four years or so and the audience looks like zombies there are few signs or enthusiasm and one  has to wonder if Vince McMahon is just paying for a low key audience  and this is what the WWE mogul wants and just doesn't  want to hear and will edit out the Roman suck chants that have been a art of this mans career fro day one in his ring performances. Vince McMahon is going to push Roman until WWE fans are blue in the face and they are going to like it.

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