Smoke shop freak out as a Trump and Larry Hogan supporter gets into a political police reform debate at Smoke Shack Vape shop in Edge water Maryland


   Arthur "King' Eaton

    Another political ranting an argument was discover don-line as a major fight took place between the owner of Smoke Shack in Edgewater, Maryland and a red hatted Trump supporter who wanted to debate Governor Larry Hogans battles with the Democratic legislature in Maryland attempting  to further erode the power and ability of the police in this left-wing ANTIFA ad BLM supremacist state. The owner of smokey and the customer named "Justine" got into a heated disagreement as Justine  supported police in this battle against leftest shills and anti-police demons in Maryland who want all of these restrictions and thankfully Republican Governor Larry Hogan acted like a conservative and republican for once and attempted to veto this insane bill brought forth by dumb Democrats and tier policy approach and drive to increase more

crime in cities and areas of Maryland is undoubtedly seen in this video.Justine and the owner of this shitty vape shop  got into a hated argument in Smock Shack which too may of these business are lowed to pollute the lugs and minds of our citizens. Justine said it was ridiculous for the Democrats given Baltimore and th state high crime stats to further make it more difficult to fight it with these egregious police reforms written straight out form the hood and the criminal class BLM itself and Justine praised Governor 
 Larry Hogan for attempting to veto this abuse by the political terrorist class in urban America . Governor Hogan tried valiantly  fighting those in power in Maryland wishing to tun the state into a lawless shit hole like Haiti and this shopkeeper obviously was a libtarded fuck brainwashed by the local media into actually thinking that police need reform and have to use retrain when encountering domestic criminal  terrorists on the street that have killed way more people  than Covid could actually.

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