Somers House Bar attacked in Kenosha Wisconsin (death is bars Part Two)

Baxter Lomax

    The Somers House Bar has been attacked by  crave black supremacist who was angered he was thrown out and got into an altercation and discussion about critical race Theory while drinking heavy shot smoking weed at the Summer House Bar on Sheridan Road in Kenosha Wisconsin. The media on the first day of this crime while the suspect was still at large was not even reporting the race of the domestic terrorist  and clearly the dangers posed by bars are increasing where it might even come to rival the amount of crimes of a century-and-a-half ago when 90% of all murders in big large cities occurred in bars. Te fact is going to a bar is once again becoming a dangerous activity and the prohibitionist love it and are seeking to use this

The Somer  house was attacked by a crazed drug addict as free and more drugs have become available and even a stringent Catholic christian college that is right down the street from this far is not immune from the dangerous do they crave drug corporatist who want to profit and sell of harmful substances to the human brain and mind the Summer House Bar was attacked and three men were killed with three others being injured in a wanton ghetto style shooting that has not received the same coverage of the media as a police shooting of Jacob Blake and once again this shows the double standard of the corporate Global of mainstream media and pick and choose in news coverage is based on the perpetuate Earth and the victim of a crime.

The reason the police who were trigger-happy in The Jake and play case is because it for much of the crime gun violence in Kenosha and around the country perpetuated look like Jeff Blake and the one who was just arrested for shooting up this bar. Where are the Black Lives matter protesters decrying the death of these three blacks by another black and apparently the radical Marxist organization BLM only is outraged by the deaths of Black man whenever they can put  on the tail of the honkie police. Where is Maxine Water and why is she not here to decry the violence and epidemic that is such a part of her constituency and district??? Where is that old fuck face troll Tonto Evers who is one of the most horrendous governors imaginable and doesn't know hid old face from his ars. 

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