Sam Seder and his Viking Scandinavian whore bash Jesse lee Peterson for questioning Pride month and pushing White history month

 Benjamin Edmonson

    Jesse lee Peterson was the topic of a five minute video from the scumbag lefties Sam Seder and one of his whores and this time it was the Scandinavian whore and not the Greek one that shared Mr Seder in his delusion observations as both had the great Jesse lee Peterson as target of hate. Jesse Lee Peterson had eviscerated and absurdity of having a Pride sexual identity month for June and the kowtowing to the small group of homosexuals (never more than 2% of population anywhere) and blasted the idea of June being a Homsex pride month for gays lesbians and those who dress up in wigs and dresses. Jesse Lee Peterson will have his fourth annual White history Month and he can;t believe how there is a ethnic pride history month for all of these other less important and smaller contributed minority groups in history buy not an official acknowledgement or official history month for White

Americans who built a country and preserved a capitalistic world for all to benefit. Sam Sissy and Jesse Lee have debated before and now how Seder has decided a five minute video of himself and his co-host bashing the California based right-wing Christian whose freedom and religious beliefs to condemn this lifestyle is well established and honored as the gay and LeBIAN lifestyle contradicted everything the religious communities stand for and this is preciously why the liberal class celebrates and promotes this perversion. Of course naturally a globalist Jewish punk like Sam Seder who is an avowed socialist hates the idea that White American should have their history month as well as somehow they are not deserving of it and only the gay and Brown/Blacks. Sam Seder is so filled with racist and anti-religious fervor and other share into this cult the idea that there should be a White history month or push back from Christians against the allowances of perverse actions in our culture is something this maniac  seeks to destroy and prevent as a good undemocratic socialist. 

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