Did John Prante or Quinton Tarantino commit the 1978 Wood River, Illinois murder if Karla Brown

 Ramon Ramos

    Quinton Tarantino is part of a disturbing trend of psychotic directors that for years were able to put forth their sick  visions of humanity and profit handsomely and be described as artists for their twisted forms of what film should be. We have long wondered and suspected a long sting of grisly crimes could be solved just by taking a sample of some of the sperm and DNA of movie directors like Quinton Tarantino and a St Louis are a cold case and a recently parole of a brutal crime is trying to clear his name form an old rape murder that he long maintained he had nothing to do and was set up and perhaps Quinton Tarantino was in Wood River ,Illinois on the afternoon of June 21  1978 when Karla Brown  was last reported alive a day after

moving next door to Mr Prante. Prante has long sought DNA clearance in the case and feels the bite mark used as evidence against him has been proven junk debunked science and he claims he had nothing to do with the death of the young woman killed while her boyfriend was moving furniture to their new residence . Karla Brown's body was exhumed years later to relook at the bite mark that is in question proved the basis for Mr Prante's conviction and recent DNA and fingerprint test provided nada for Mr Prante who was paroled last year. There were so many murders of young women in this time period a
Sick Hollywood scumbag

actual genocide should be declared and where exactly famed director Quinton Tarantino was at that day is not known but surely some unsolved murder can be claimed to this psycho director as the amount of  death

and macabre he showed on the silver screen both contributed to crimes like this against Ms Brown and represents some repressed imaginary that crazed horror director kooks and producer should in their self-hatred and external hatred for all those around them especially the fairer sex. Prante and a friend were next door drinking  smoking pot and whether this made a decision for their impulsive attack on this young  woman is speculative but this is the ground work investigators made as there was little evidence to make an arrest for Prante and his friend who was never charged.

Another scenario we play out is the possibility the deranged film director Quinton Tarantino happened to be driving by and saw Karla Brown outside of her small house in wood Rover and made the move. Many of these upticks of violence against women the late sixties and early seventies were caused by cheap beer and the mass availability of drugs (in addition to violent sick movies as Tarantino's)  onto the male population and this is a toxic mess and the results were seen and still seen with the massive amounts of crime this country has seen as a result of these societal allowances from our corrupt political leaders and overseas enemies ad dark money to see this evil agenda followed through with unfortunate successful results which kills lives such as the beautiful former all-American blonde and cheerleader form Southern art of the Land of Lincoln.

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