Nathan Stopleman warns of the forced vaccine and the dangers posed by big pharma

Wally Jackson

      Big Pharma is one of the most dangerous and people killing distress and big pharma is in the pockets of the media who repeat the lies of the drug companies and Nathan Stopleman warned his listeners and the public the insane Democrats are coming for more people.

The forced vaccines poses a danger and should be resisted and monitored as the discrimination efforts that the Democrats threaten will not be enough and the sick Biden administration desires to have a 100% complicity of vaccines and Stopleman said that people will resit more and  more as the delusional politicians of Joe Biden and other Democrats continue to hark and the political class of Democrats will enforce these vaccines

for the pharmaceutical companies. The number of people who have died from the toxic drugs and deliveries of the pharmaceutical industry is outrageous and the number of people  rushing and willingly to accept the orders of the CDC and the drug legal pushers is depression s for Stopleman and he warned that many people taking these experimental vaccines will develop problem they would otherwise not have had down the road because this is the track record of the sick

pharmaceutical industries globally and they seek and make profits from their ability to make people ill through their products. Stopleman said that he has to be careful what and how to criticize this rotten industry as they often use their monetary power to direct the flow of information and use big tech to level censorship on those who disagree with the move of politicians in awarding all this power of these corrupt  foreign globalist health organization that seek to empower their insiders though use of this big lie and destruction of capitalism and world global economies. Stopleman says don't  trust the media and their continue lies that the delta variant and the pandemic is of the unvaccinated and Stopleman doubts it is as high of a percentage of unvaccinated getting the Delta and he believes that vaccinated people are getting Covid and its various variants and the mainstream media and the lying Dmeiocrats don't want this information to be known.

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