Anthony Fauci and mainstream media fear mongering about Alabama he seeks to shut down Alabama football and cancel Nick Saban

    Guy Baldwin

    Little leprechaun of the Italian extraction  is a worm named Anthony Fauci is a man dedicated to waging a war against fun  an d news was spread all over the lying and misrepresent mainstream media as the news was all over the fact Alabama had more deaths than births which they laid blame to Covid. Alabama has had less then ten thousand deaths and what Anthony Fauci and his media as

MSNBC and CNN lie about is there always was known that there was going to be more deaths as the human lifespan is traditionally always in them in seventies and the baby boom generation the births  were three times higher than post generations and as usual the media like Jake Asshole Tapper and Don Lemonade lie and bullshit pushing fear and scare as the dishonest hack activists that they are.

Anthony Fauci and his media are so pushing fear they want to create a scare crow fear based society and plans are being worked on in ending Alabama' s college football schedule ASAP as Fauci doesn't like the large crowds at Alabama games and that someone else like Nick Saban is given a God like status and one that does it through slavery and free rides of others players who do not get paid.
 Lord Fauci wants to attack fellow nobleman Lord Saban because unlike Fauci Saban is only able to draw hatred for being a winner and Fauci draws his hatred for being a loser, a lira, a louse, and ahhh worm. The lies and misrepresentation the media an and the likes of

Fauci misrepresented the Alabama story of more deaths was typical of the lying  media of this era not taking into anything account of the high number of elderly people in Alabama and the fact many of the youngster and brightest are leaving Alabama and putting off marriage and large families and have been doing so for a while.

Alabamians will not allow Anthony Creep Fauci to cancel the one thing they live the most in the state and the one thing that gives them identity and this sis a winning football team year after year that much like the Democrats in California have been able to produce Nick Saban has used the data and rigged a system to get accomplished somehow. 

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