Jesse Lee Peterson and his millennial crew talk about how women all dress like sluts

 Baba Pugwuthi

   The insecurity of women and the way they are dressing these days was the topic of discussion of Jesse Lee Peterson and his four man team and the problem of slut wear is getting worse . Jesse Lee Peterson and his crew said the problem has gotten worse as women all wear tight clothing an  yoga pants to expose their buttocks and women do not dress modestly these days unless they are extremely elderly and gray. he mothers are dressing and teaching their own kids to dress like whores and Mr Peterson and his boys seemed puzzled why women are all dressing slutty and Jesse Lee Peterson also said mid-size and fat women are dressing

whore like and are asking to be raped in their appearance. Peterson says these women have no pride and are attention seeking skanks and why women dress so provocatively and then complain about cat calls and tbye suggested that women are so into yoga just for an excuse to dress slutty and push forward this into the future dressing their young girls like whores as well. Many people would say it is none of their business how women dress but clearly if men wore kilts or speedos out in public these women would be as judgmental and complain as much as they complain about man spreading in public. This was a great discussion and topic that needed to be

brought up because women and their slut wear are a major part of the cultural degradation we have experienced in this country in the past decade or so and it makes it more difficult for the women who dress modesty  to be accepted and respected by their slut-wearing female peers. Jesse Lee Peterson producer Chris  also said that there are new sick yoga pants that scrunch up the ass and they also wondered why so many women have big buts and how this is an asset and something they are proud and

boast about unlike women of the past who never would. women today have no shame and show off their bodies because as Jesse and his team says they are heathen and want their bodies to be worshiped and admired by all but then wish to condemn those

individuals they don't know or ;like remarking of their bodies as some sort of power trip against men as women are forever resentful of the world man created and how God placed more of a value onto them over women. 

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