Mike Pence comes out at an anti-abortion rally and considers running for president and hopes for overturn of Roe vs Wade baby murder allowance

   Clark Kramer

  The hypocrisy of the left talking horseshit about trying to save lives force shots and profits  for a left-leaning and Democratic Party supporting global health system and global left-wing homo causes while supporting the millions and millions of babies ripped and murdered in their women's womb is a topic that former vice president Mike Pence from Indiana is passionate about fighting and overturning one and for all. . There is some hope that the draconian past supreme court ruling allowing so many potential human beings being killed through abortion and in a genocide against humanity may finally be overturned and former Indian Governor Mike Pence sounded optimistic that we are on the verge of overrunning the  legalization of abortion and murder of children.

Mike Pence appeared at the March for life and gave a prodigious speech where he sounded like a presidential candidate and he called out the hypocrisy  of those concerned for life when it comes to combating a little virus but don't have the same concern for small fetuses that would otherwise grow into human being but instead are ripped apart and virtually destroyed and killed by these ungrateful evil women who think nothig of life and terminating what would otherwise become a human. Abortion is a genocidal crime on par if not greater than the crimes of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler's Germany and history may one day declared as sick individuals who worked with law to legalize this ritualistic killing of babies through 

the years and prevention of their births on par with the greatest evils of the likes and atrocities of the Aztecs, Nazis,  to the crimes of the Mongols. Pence blasted the Democrats and current catastrophic monster in the White House Joe Biden for his dictatorial abuse and support for increase funding and allowances to make it easier to kill babies and Pence reiterated the importance that best to overturn his draconian Roe Vs Wade  court ruling is to get out and vote and elect those individuals who would otherwise fight against this barbaric practice ripping fetuses that would in a shirt while turn into babies and these fascist son the left would know this if they studied the science and were honest about abortions being true blue murder.
 Mike Pence then declared to the March for Life rally a few days ago that he is seriously thinking about running for president regardless of what Trump and Desantis do and Pence reminded the people have has been committed through his life to fighting the pandemic of ritualistic baby killing by the health industry and officials that fifty years ago got the supreme court to legalize baby murder and he has nit ever flipped flop like potential rivals and Mike Pence we believe is going to run for president in 20204 and by then the evils of Roe Vs Wade may finally have been overturn thanks to the efforts of this man. 

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