My 600-lb Life doctor now hired to help Georgia forever governor candidate Stacy Abrams lose weight

 JIm Oberweight

     The famed media personality known as Dr Now otherwise named Younan Nowzaradan has joined the Stacy  Abrams for Georgia Governor campaign . Dr Now has been named the democratic  operative and fat Chicken fried pig Stacy Abrams personal doctor and DR Nwo is committed to getting the Georgia career political wanabee to slim down and resemble a human being. Dr Now is a media superstar a doctor  tough as nails willing to tell his patents to drop the shit out of their ars and the lard out of their stomach pits and Stacy Abrams is determined to be the first Black president of the United States. she has little chance as Stacy Abrams is a pig and a cow and a half and nobody who looks and resembles a individual such as she should ever be considered a leader. 

 Dr Now and fat Abrams will be a team with the goal of getting this disgusting political pawnbroker to slim down and resemble a human being and not this weird Black cattle breed that Green aliens from the planet Gliese 436b  harvesting and taking back to their home planet. Dr Now will treat this  powerful large voice from George and the corrupt sick Democratic Party as any other patient and if the pig facey Stacy  doesn't slim down to a more appropriate weight Dr Now will pull the mic and humiliate this fat woman. 
 Now is already cutting down on the Popeye, Browns, and KFC meals and he definitely  has outlawed Churches Chicken which is a cake batter of massive proportions of calories with their deep fried seasoning and batter. Stacy Abrams has eaten to much fried chicken though the years it has contributed heavily to her obesity that she has accepted without shame for all these years and she arrogantly doesn't think should be a hindrance to her political power 
 Dr Now is dropping the shit  bucket on Stacy abrams and he told this fat fucker she was headed to a lifetime of bedtime and living on a fucking bed and regardless of what Stacy Abrahamson thinks the American people are not willing  to elect an y disturbed horribly morbid obese bed wetting person as a elected official from dog catcher to governor. Dr  Younan Nowzaradan has seen this bed ridden tragedy time in and again in hos Houston health practice and he is tired of this shit and dealing with these smelly un wellies.  Dr You Now warned this Georgia wannabee forever Governor democrat selected candidate (no democrat dares to run against fattie in the primaries in George) that Abrams is headed for this perpetual bed lifestyle if this arrogant power and food hungry sick individual (and food greedy) Stacy Abrams doesn't with her pride in massively over-eating. 

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