Shaun Thompson goes off of diapers Biden and Anthony Fauci calls them career criminals and need to go

 Jay Yang

     Chicago's right-wing radio legend in the making Shaun Thompson blasted the CDC creep and fascist Anthony Fauci for retiring and is hoping the Republicans to go after this little gremlin and piece of shit. Fauci is feeling the hate and the heat that the democratic mafia may not protect in the future as it has in the past and Shaun Thompson says Fauci and Biden are geriatric bubble brain buts for the nation purposely waging war on capitalism on the orders and demands of international socialists. It is the internationalists who put installed as a puppet politicians like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Bernie

Sanders and the attack on primarily the moderate Democratic Party and international socialism is slowly picking away at out democracy and freedoms and this is something that Shaun Thompson often spoons out in his on-air battle against the mafia "rat bastards"  Democrats who are doing everything in their power to collude with repressive foreign entities attempting to bankrupt this country so they can come in and purchase and own more of this country. Thompson says both Anthony Fauci and Joseph Biden represent the values of the Mafia Democrats with a over abuse of power used to repress the "other" and the determination of these psychopaths and their puppets in power were best seen through these two old trolls who are pushing this country towards a national divorce and instead of moving we say people

need to stay and battle the Blue Democratic  Communist filth in these Blue states as moving to Florida and Texas do little to battling the national tyranny that the Democratic party and their cancer present and gives us old repressors and shit like Biden and Fauci. Shaun Thompson is lad that Lord Fauci is leaving and he says we got one monster old troll to go and now the Bozo Biden needs to go and one can conclude this country will not progress until the Democratic tyranny and their politicians like this current occupier in the White House with his fake voting total is out it power and it is critical we fight back against the Mafia states like Illinois New Jersey, New York and California are defeated and their roach politicians and treasonous policies against the rest of the country is defeated. 

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