Mathew Brewer opens up a legal marijuana nighclub called the Grasshoppper Club as criminal complexes go into weed fueled night bars

 Baxter Lomax

     The corruption of large Democrat cities has legalized drugs and the further erosion of cities and their culture goes as actual drug dealers go into open air markets and establishment business. Some drug dealer named Michael Brewer has been allowed by this criminal entity of Chicago to open up something called the Grasshopper Club that focuses on weed and smoking crack and marijuana and how disgraceful it is for a country now to legalize and have weed business is utterly reprehensible given the societal disaster that hard core drugs and use have been for this country. As bartender for the Itasca Inn I can say I am glad I live in a suburban community that would never allow such a sick business and legalized marijuana  business openly selling drugs to operate and bring down the quality of life.

 whats really egregious is Mr Brewer is allowed to run a drug  den and he has a classic building on a important busy street in a classic architecture building  business in what was a hipster community and now open business and drug selling is a accepted
 fact of life in Urban AmeriCCPa and shit hole cities like Chicago  that are already crime infested hell zones that business like Grasshopper Club can only promise to make worse. This place promises to the be the future scene of violence and mayhem and I reckon this is preciously the reason leftist progressives .

This drug pusher received a social equity loan to open a business and instead of aiding in the fight against food deserts by offering good grocery and healthy fresh foods vegetables and fruits this idiot Brewer is bringing more of a sickening and disturbing drug culture to be planted and further erode the cities in AmercCPPa. The Grasshopper and any weed marijuana  business being allowed to operate is a national disgrace and tragedy and conservatives need to roll back these evil disturbing business and in no way should marijuana smoke business ever be allowed to open up and the Brewer family running this one in Logan Square are pure scum

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