David Bet Patrick praised by Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger all three annihilate Mark Cuban and mock coward Peter Hotez and his fear of debate

   Thomas Assbook 

    The great Valuetainment and now New York Yankee owner Patrick David Bet is a dude and a half coming out of virtually nowhere to be one of my favorite news and podcast talk sources and this man should be  the king of economic thought and opinion toppling Peter Schiff

. Patrick David and his Patrickette got into a on-line argument and embarrassed ponzi scheme artist failed sports owner NBA jackass Mark Cuban in a debate over Peter Hotez and the pediatrician clueless doctor says he is being bullied by Joe Rogan and the son of Robert Kennedy demanding a debate after the opinionated asshole Peter Hotez had to give his authoritarian medical fascist

before attacking Joe Roman and Kennedy junior with a tweet. Peter Hotez feelings are hurt whenever someone attacks the Center of Disease Control and exposes the lie and misinformation mmey grift of the World Health organization and we are suppose to respect the scientists and the kackasses like Peter Hotez. The way Peter Hotez talked and expressed himself resolved my belief that I would not take these god dam vaccines and I was trolling and emailing this silly leprechauns jackass back in the summer of 2020 annoyed at the obvious

lunacy that came from this pedophilia looking ass bum Peter Hotez. I would never allow anything to enter my body and bloodstream that came form this pencil-dicked dweeb and Peter Hotez perhaps after Anthony Fauci was perhaps the media biggest grifter and medical min informer for the Covid global financial scam. With this in mind Chicago based podcasting legends and

comedic talent in Jimmy Dore and the great bald head Kurt Metzger cam eon their huge YouTube and on-line channels and joined in the evisceration of this clownish circus bear for pharmaceutical insiders and snake oil Moderna and Pfiizer and other sin the corrupt BioNTech industries who likely used the power of fake data and the media to create a massive fear in society where fools to this day are still wearing masks and

obsessive wiping down any public table they go to scared of some invisible innate object. Dore and Metzger said the reason this gutless coward pokier pig type character peter Hotez doesn't want to appear with RFK jr and Joe Roman is because he is scared they will call him out and humiliate him on hos bullshit and the bull manure he has been allowed to say unchallenged don NBCMS since March of 2020.  {Patrick David bet also told failed Dallas Maverick owner--who has had the best player in the league no results--to fuck off mate and Patrick Bet David challenged Mark Cuban to either a debate or a cage

match in a UFC ring. Jimmy Dore says this is the first time DR Hotez back tracked scared to show up to a debate and the likes of these lying doctors don't want to debate because they don't want their opinions and views concerning vaccines ever challenged as Dore has tried to get this geek clown on his show as well through the years. Peter Hotez had also denied a request to appear with Aaron Rogers back some years ago to discuss the forced vaccines and again the pudgy roly poly refused to appear with Aaron Rogers on Joe Roman's show as Hotez is shy to actually have to back up his false vaccine  claims and he wants appearances like he is use to on MSNBC and CNN where no tough questions and discerning words are asked. 

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