Failed New Jersey governor and often presidential candidate Chris Christie humiliated and booed off stage and a republican event

    Arnold Armstrong

     The humiliation of often fail presidential candidate Chris Christie was evident as he spoke at a Faith in Freedom Coalition meeting of Republican donors the other day. The fat meat head Chris Christie continues to attack Trump in the hope of guarding garnering media attention and positive from the left-wing liberal media. Chris Christie is a favorite media darling baby  and often appears on these bad networks such as CBS and ABC Disney and the familyman for

corporate media  continues to be a troll and attack Donald Trump most likely this might have been the cause of the recent booing where he was pulled off stage and yelled back at the audience at a Faith and Freedom Coalition speech that somehow this fat idiot was allowed and invited to speak. Chris Christie was humiliated as the crowd booed this political Buddha's ass when he was going into yet another Trump diatribe as this fat man cannot stop talking about Trump. He is suffering and has suffered heavily from Trump Derange  Syndrome through the years. Chris Christie try to fight back his years with the bullying and heckling drowned his thoughts and ideas and he soon ended his speech in other disgrace Chris Christie then came on one of these left-wing corporate media Networks and CNN and explain what had happened and that the Beluga said the booing  did not represent the Republican voters which he insists he's going to win this nomination and his fat ass is going to go into the White House .Donald Trump called Chris Christie a fat meat head who hangs around buffets too much and indeed this most likely is true .I can't see any other reason that Chris Christie is so

morbidly obese than his addiction to country style home buffets and Chinese buffets this fat idiot loves food and buffets more than he does Bruce Springsteen concerts which he has attended over 500 through the years as New Jersey governor likely not even paying for any and using taxpayer money to go to these Bruce Springsteen concerts . Chris Christie is a failed presidential candidate and many consider him one of the worst governors in the 

 history of New Jersey which is saying a lot. The failed New Jersey governor thinks that he is deserving of the White House and power because Chris Christie's narcissism is  bigger than his guts and this man is clueless and in denial.  The three-time failed presidential candidate wants to make it four in 2020 for and Chris Christie has about as much chance of becoming president as John Fetterman becoming head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. Chris Christie is a fat mean meat  head and disgrace who should step aside from the political arena as the American people have continuously rejected his candidacy  through the years. Perhaps he will get the message this time around and this may be the last go around for the fat ass of Chris Christie in his numerous presidential runs and this may be the last one

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