Marty and Clyde make a road trip to Wooden Coffee House in San Francisco and can't believe how much the city has gone to shit

 Jason Percy

   The great coffee reviewers Marty and Clyde usually hang out the Asbury Coffee House in Willow Springs and looks at the punk rock weirdos they hang out there. However they do cross the country in their great review of coffee houses throughout the country and Marty and Clyde favorite city as a homosexual couple naturally in San Francisco the dual have traveled to this Kalifornia Jewel for a long time but they were shocked and appalled by what they had seen last week Marty and Clyde went to the Wooden Coffee House in San Francisco and they

saw homeless throughout the city butt fucking and begging for money and bugging the customers of this independent coffee house while the coffee was appealing and superior to the chains.  Marty and Clyde couldn't believe how dirty their shoes got from talk walking on the numerous human feces that we're all over the place in this downtown San Francisco coffee shop Marty and Clyde cannot believe that the Democrat Party and the radicals within the French society of this political party have allowed the shit people to basically destroy their own cities and brand. Marty and Clyde said that they may never go to San Francisco again after seeing how much it has regressed and has gone to shit and both of them bashed sick and terrible mayor London Bridge is the root cause of the fall of this city. London Bridge Is Just typical of the nonsense Democrats that have overrun and created in one party state in many so-called blue areas of the country when in fact what they should call this these areas are rigged and undemocrat

zones within the continental United States. Marty and Clyde worry about the future of business in America's larger cities because of this finial fascist anti-capitalist movement and the takeover the Democratic Party by the extremists and Communists within it. Clyde can't believe how many homosexuals are drawn towards the radical elements of ANTIFA within

the Democratic party and the Democratic party has essentially become a fascist party in the United States Marty reminded Clyde as a drink a double shot Barista that the Nazi party was in fact founded in large part by the homosexual community and even the game lesbians can be fascist and indeed many of them are especially out in the left coast where these two Willow Springs, Illinois based coffee critics are based out of Ashbury Coffee House which you can see them four times a week do their one hour radio podcast. The Wooden Coffee House has a bunch of weirdos hanging around and eyeing each other up as it has become the meeting place as the old bathhouses aids spreading business have been eliminated basiclaly in San Francisco and this is the pick up place and all the hustlers were trying to pick up these gay old lovers Marty and Clyde who wanted nothing to do with these players and pimps not wanting their diseases.

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