Pizza revolutionary throws pizza and attacks New York city hall for Democratic Party war on pizza

   Armando Arturo

 Food review

  A pizza patriot went viral with a unprecedented pizza attack and food protest of political nature not seen since the Boston tea Party. A man named had enough as news spread the federal government and the state of New York and mayor Eric McCheese decided to wage war

war n pizza and set up plans of regulation to end the business that sell coal and wood fire pizza . The liberal green climate fear mongers are making more pizza lies  claims that the hundreds of coal fired

pizza joint sin this huge  pizza city of New York were actually a hazard for the people in this pizza city. Scott Laibodo said give me liberty or give me pizza as he took five delicious  pizzas from Papi Gi's pizza and tossed them over the gated community and govenrment building of city hall. Lobadio went on to rant that this govenrment is doing all if its power to destroy

business while crime runs rampant and crime is out of control the likes of sick government officials and bad failed New York mayor Eric McCheese. Mayor McCheese and other bat,man villain politicians of the Democratic party are doing everything in their power to bring chaos to America and economic ruin for so many millions of Americans and this obvious fact lead to a Pizza revolution as what New York and Eric fuck head Adams are attempting  to do to force the pizza business to spend some 50 k for air filtration system that most observers admit will make the  pizza taste like shit.
 The patriotic pizza conservative Laibado was cuffed and stiffed in a paddy wagon charged with some pizza misdemeanor as there are city ordinances in New York City against the throwing of pizza in the streets and whether he is still locked up in Riker Islands for his crimes is still not known and likely Bodadio has no access to a lawyer and will be charged with a crime similar to that the January 6th protesters have received months in jail for protesting a obvious election rift from Joe Biden and they have not had pizza since 

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