The JP Sears push forward the idea that there are two John Fetterman's and offers brain Fetterman to come to new comedy school JP is brining up

      Brian Brain

    Will the real John Fetterman please stand up please stand up. Awakening with JP is an amazing YouTube channel run by this pro-trump snarky comedian named JP Sears JP Sears bashes the shit out of the Batman villain radical Democrat politicians and he does one hell of a job one of these Batman villain Democrats that JP Sears has attacked is bald head and the return of John Fuckerman the rigged winner of the Pennsylvania Center race had disappeared and was majorly brain dead and clinically 

depressed - - likely because he knows he ripped off and stole the election from Dr Oz Dash Dash and he was hospitalized in the Walter Reed Memorial Home of the nuts. John Thurman has returned with hoodie and suit and check and he has made a major asinine jackass out of himself as usual Jonathan just cannot

talk his brain has become butter and this was the concept of a recent JP series take down on John Fetterman. JP  suggested that the idea that there might be several John Fetterman look a likes and fill ins  but they are they all appear to be blockheads and unable to comprehend their leg from their ass. What the Democrats wish they could do to Fetterman and technology unable at this moment is a actual brain implant and clearly if there was a need and a case for brain

implants John Fetterman and his important occupation is screaming need of this new technology someday. JP Sears totally annihilated the language of John Fetterman and ponder's how he forgot to speak the English language. The Strokes that John Federman has suffered should have been a disqualifying factor to be a us senator  and the possibility that the Democrats do have felons throughout Middle America there are slops big slobs with shaved heads who's wear hoodies and much of them walk and talk and sound like John Fetterman.  There have been numerous pictures of different versions of Fetter and people pointing out that no two John Fetterman's are alike. The question that one has to ask John Thurman is will the real John better been please stand up please stand up will the real John Fetterman didn't. It doesn't matter

which John Butthead shows up he will cast the vote. The votes Fetterman will do will be the vote Joe Biden tells him what to  and he will vote along  with what  Charles Schumer ,Jerry Nadler ,Nancy Pelosi,  and the rest of the Batman villains ugly fuckers of the Democrat Party will tell bald head. JP Sears says that John Fetterman is a ball of disgrace and he gives all bald guys who wear hoodies a bad name John Federman has five more years and again how Pennsylvania allow this man to steal the election from what in all reality was a great reality television host smart man and neurosurgeon Dr Oz .JP Sears suggested  that John Fetterman start his own language skill and Sears is  offering life and language  lessons where people can talk and ound like John Fetterman. Jp Sears also wants to give a 15% discount for the Pennsylvania Carthart wearing clown senator to enroll in JP Sears school of comedy.  Dr Memhat Oz  should be sitting in the US Senate with a nice press suit his

hair done real well and him trolling and angering the Democrat Party and is still pisses me off to this day. I'm kicking walls still that he is not in the US Senate doing this job John Thurman likely will be dead in a couple years and perhaps Mr Dr Oz can run again and there will be new recall elections or perhaps he should run where he originally is from New Jersey and get bald head Phil Murphy out of the office. Whatever the case John Fetterman has sad and feral feelings and sevral fill ins because the man is incompetent and can't be trusted at all times and JP Sears let this be known in a recent program. How Fox News has not hired Mr Sears to be the replacement for Tucker and add him to their great team is really shocking and appalling.

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