Dr Disrespect calls for Mitch McConnell and Howard Stern to retire after latest brain freeze of the two geriatric losers

      Dmitri Diamond

    The Great One gaming Legend and authoritarian video gaming backstabber doctor disrespects leveled two nasty old men is he called them the other day. Dr Disrespect says that Mitch McConnell's latest brain freeze is further proof that Kentucky Senator needs to step down and be a good  old Wildcat string bean  and just know when to go into the woods and die off. The continued domination of our economy and politics by these geriatric politicians disrespects the doctor Disrespect is he went on a rage while playing Call of Duty and doing a live stream. Dr Disrespect says that Mitch McConnell and his latest brain freezes for the proof that the Kentucky senator is demented and he doesn't know the difference between Fahrenheit and celsius from his penis to his ass. Mr McConnell indeed didn't had another brain farts and he was asking a question and he stood for 20 seconds and this is further evidence that the man

has Alzheimer's and is no longer in control of his brain. Mitch McConnell's brain has become butter and we have long call for term limits on all politicians and cognitive test for anyone over 65 on an annual basis for both congressman and sitting US senator. Doctor Disrespect also disrespected Howard Stern and his latest diatribe has Mr Stern is angered at all these right Wingers freaking out about the coming lock downs in new mask mandates. Howard Stern told them to get used to it that we are in a new era where masking the annual vaccines and society and business lock downs are necessary as the forest are cut and man and Beast become neighbors. Howard Stern pointed out how Cougars and Bears are living next to

mankind and people are going to have to adapt and this includes not only having to live with big animals next you but to deal with the various small tiny viruses that come from animals and likely can cause all these weird viruses that will be deadly and mutate perspicaciously. Dr Disrespect said Howard Stern needs to retire and he is a fear-mongering virus chicken shit and he can fathom how the globalists are paying this silly son of a bitch 40 million a year.

Dr FDisrespect says this money needs to be directed to him who unlike Howard Stern Dr Disrespect actually has talent and can game like very few people. Doctor D said that Howard Stern and Mitch McConnell's weirdness and awareness  this week is just further proof that both need to step down and go away and make room for younger people like himself and others to take over politics and the media. Dr Disrespect said that he expects Mitch McConnell to be stepping down within the year and again Dr Disrespect decried XM series satellite radio for keeping this old geezer with a big wig on so many years as the man is already a part-time worker doesn't even do more than 100 shows a year. Dr Dis dissed these tow walking skeletons and Disrepect figured both will be dead in motion or in th ebroian and it will not matter in a few years and hopefully months, 

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