James Howard Kuntsler and Art Berman have a contentious interview about peak oil

Larry Frost

        Oil expert Art Berman apparent on James Howard Kuntzler's award-winning podcast. James Howard was not expecting such a contentious interview and throughout the interview Mr Berman and Howard James Kuntsler argued about who blew up the Keystone Pipeline and whether

companies keep the price of oil high in order to make as much profit as possible. What these two guys disagree is that oil is running out and the days of the very profitable easy oil rigging and drilling are done and this explains why we've had such a reliance on foreign oil that often has to
be processed in a very costly manner as it is mostly thicker oil compared to West Texas. Berman and Kuntsler disagreed on so many topics that they came close to coming to blows.

However one topics that they did agrees that the Techno narcissist think that any human problem can be solved by computers and technology and this was one thing they could agree upon. James Howard and
Art Berman made mention how the prices of oil are kept high not because of scarcity, but because of the profit motivation of these oil companies and they have become smart and through the ears to know what is the right price and to maintain it around that price for as long as they can forcing the public to accept it. Oil purchasing from overseas is also used by our government to exact influence to these oil producing

exporters that. we import overseas helping to build up their infrastructure to compete with our oil production and then sell to rogue sates waging war much like Pakistan and India freely sell energy cheap to the Russian Putin empire.  There is no better listen about oil and production talk than these two kings of energy and the economy and again he disagreed to the point many thought this important discussion and interview would be cut short
Art  Berman is one of the most prolific intelligence speakers of oil and the idea that Howard James Kuntsler would dare to challenge him on all these issues and this podcast is utterly insane. James Howard has I've done himself and he is way over his bald head thinking that he knows more than a heart for me when it comes to strategic reserve petroleum and the international policies that play they come into play of influence from various Global and international governments with one another. James Kuntsler needs to stick with talking of the scam of new evidence in the stay away from the field of oil that he knows little about having failed and lied about peak oil for a long time

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