Mayor former failed Chicago mayor Richard Daley is not dead and he's turning 82 while we ask and Hope with a deathbed wish list

    Wally Jackson

    I was listening to the radio the other day and heard them talking about the legacy of Richard M Daley playing various clips of the failed corrupt former Chicago mayor whom I've never blogged about. I thought this was it  for the very old ugly former mayor Daley must have died and this is why they're doing a tributes and for 10 to 15 minutes I thought the scoundrel and scum bag former Chicago mayor was kaput.  Unfortunately it was eventually revealed that his 82nd birthday is coming and this disgusting troll fascist of a mayor which  I don't believe I've ever blogged and bashed. With

this in mind I decided to blog and call my favorite Backpage death dancers Leticia and Monique to do a death bed wish dance for Richard M Daily. Richard M  needs to die as the 82-year-old will be celebrating a birthday and this was the basis of the radio announcement and recall of this jerk .Richard M Daley was one of the biggest proponents of gun grabbers as this man did not want your basic civil liberties of owning a gun and I did not realize that this scumbag former failed corrupt Chicago mayor was such a proponent in preventing people from their rights of gun ownership. The only wat this scyumbag would ever take my guns is from my dead dying hands. Richard M Daley is a psychopath who corrupted the

system and thankfully he is gone and out of the political scene. However with news that Brandon Johnson is having a recall I fear this fucking idiot Richard Dumb Dumb Daley might try to make one last run as this scoundrel was a total scumbag and I'm glad to finally be able to blog about him. This is the first official blog of the left shark blog of the jackass former Chicago loser mayor known as Richard M Daley who is still alive,  but hopefully he will be dead soon if our tag team death dancers have their black Majic. We have contacted Monique and Leticia our favorite blank Backpage whores who often do dances for the right pay and many times their dances of death for a certain person and celebrity has come true as recently they did one days before politician career corrupt Joseph Leiberman and he died within day. We had also done in the past six months paid Monique and Latish to do a dance for OJ Simpson and he is pushing up dirt right now or in the beginning process.  They will be giving a death dance deathbed wish of mine for

Richard  "dipdshit" Daley to drop and whether this comes to flirtation is not known. Richard Daley also was a pro globalist rat bastard  and one of his audio tapes complained of Americans whining as he said first it was Japan was going to take over and Richard M Daley's then said that people were whining about the Chinese now and the Indian people taking over and dominating our economy which is exactly what wound up happening. These countries and their countrymen are in the process of take over  not because as he said we should have worked harder and got more education but because of a global corrupt system that corrupted our rotten political system  career politicians Like Richard Moron Daley that gave prevalence to these foreign scum invaders. In the same talk Richard M Daley also complain of people complaining about Mexicans and this was actually back in 2006 and actually shows what a pro globalist pro Foreigner politician that Richard M Daley is and why exactly America is in the position it of having massive migrant invasion because of  having shit like Richard M daily in our political system of major American cities. This extremist who also wants to prevent Americans from having guns to make the transition to take over complete is unfortunately still alive and the fascist and Richard M Daly was never really explained and done in depth. Thankfully this maniac and others failed in their attempts to prevent gun ownership of the average American which this son of a bitch politician  wet dreamed about while mayor of the city of Chicago. Make no mistake these audio clips I heard on the radio 

showed that asshole former mayor Richard Daley disdained the American people and this is still the type of shit we have had in our Democrat Party and political system for way too long. Hopefully Richard M Daley does not make it to 83 and this rat bastard Democrat needs to drop like an old broken record and break into many pieces and hopefully his upcoming 82nd birthday will be his last

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