Alex Jones freaks out with gas starts rambling about North Korean Russian Alliance in World War III

      Jackie Butterworth

The delusional madman that is known as Infowars Maniac Alex Jones world is falling apart. Alex Jones has been predicting World War 3 for some time and the recent news that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un met and got together in North Korea has freaked out the Info Wars rockstar biggest and loudest talk radio pop star since Rush Limbaugh. Alex Jones flipped out with a guest who denied that Kim Jong-un together with any big deal which Jones argue vehemently he said we are in the final days of World War 3 as Kim Jong-un and

Vladamir Putin are having a war strategy and Alex Jones has been predicting a world third war for 20 years. However this time Mr Jones is positive this is going to occur at the actions in Ukraine and the recent antagonism by South Korea against the North Koreans has pushed this country closer and closer to the brink that has Alex Jones flipping out. 

     Mr Jones has scared that he and he free final steak dinners are upon him as reported in the news North Korean Russia did indeed make an alliance where each will come to the other aid in case of attack and this has been warned by Alex Jones for years on his program. The potential hazardous dangerous situation that we find ourselves with a North Korean and Russian Axis Of Evil Alex Jones cut his interview off as he was hyperventilating and he is losing it as we might be upon the last days of Infowars. Alex Jones and his crucial warnings that he has given the world about the Deep States establishment and the fucking Russians has long been ridiculed and ignored. In another era Alex Jones would have been a brave

perhaps Civil War era-type General, but in this new media modern era Mr Jones has become a pimp to extreme conspiracy theories for the reward of many fat free steak dinners that he has received and thus he cried a few weeks ago when this cash cow appears to be coming to an end for him. What does the future hold for Alex jones. Many have suggested that Alex Jones to take up comedy and perhaps he might go to the Bill Burr School comedy as the comedic nature of Alex Jones and the natural ability of him seems like it would be a perfect fit with stand up comedy. In fact, many have wondered including ourselves why Alex Jones already is not in stand-up comedy and he should have long abandoned this weird conspiracy political show that basically he hurts his own side by being a major figure and much like David Duke Alex Joens has indeed been used by the media to warp and humiliate the right and conservatives.

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