Dagua and Tom Cat humiliated as Cat's Diary owner brings a ugly puppy

Payton Jenkins

      We here at the Anti-pet Association to decry the ownership of pets and animals and for a particular owner in South Korea the numerous captivity of animals is the content of its YouTube channel. In the sprawling rural countryside a South Korean a YouTuber basically runs a household of critters, munchers, and feather rustlers. The owner of this huge Cats Diary YouTube

channel has now added a ugly puppy that is thrown in with all its other animals causing all sorts of chaos and critique of thought. The puppy has already made numerous enemies within the household taking up beds of the main Top Cats in Tom Cat and Dagua-- which is a particularly ugly cat that is featured with a big ugly nose and was voted ugliest cat in 2019 by fancy can Times magazine. Dagua already had several run-ins with this ugly puppy who's very quick and looks like he's a cross between a Wolverine and a Coyote. 

      The puppy is also agitated what is perhaps the consensus of the most docile cat is in the male Tom Kat of this Asian household. The puppy goes underneath the bed when Tom cat and its kittens are lying down and chilling and does all sorts of other antics of chewing on the wood to piss off the various cats of this household. Dagua in fact has had the SWAT this dog several times and they've had their run-ins and whether this animal is the one that will dogshit and end

the incredible pet personality character and the growth that we have seen in the past 4 months of him or her is not known. What is known as that when this puppy gets older it will be an ugly dingo-like dog and whether this owner continues to feature it with its Barnyard characters of roosters, ducks, cats, and pet frogs is not known. The owner claimed that it had found this puppy along the side of the road abandoned and likely there was a reason it was abandoned. This dog is also hard to tell what breed it is and it likely is 100% pure slumdog mutt and again when this dog gets big it will not be as cute

as it is now being featured in the huge South Korean pet channel known as Cat's Diary. We  here at the animal Anti-pet Association or charity group always looking for your donations and in essence all these animals should not be forced to prison-like

conditions and for entertainment by human households. We are calling for the complete abolishment of pets and the trade of it and look forward for new allies and monetary contributions did anyone can do it on the sidebar of this blog

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