Dan Bongino challenges trolls Adam Kinzinger says hell bust his face

Albert Rooney

     On yesterday's Dan Bongino show the great right-wing conservative Patriot utterly leveled the former Illinois congressman and perpetual diaper wet scumbag Adam Zinger. Apparently, Adam Kinzinger keeps commenting on Dan Bongino site and when Dan Bongino made a comment about alot of stupid people this idiot failed former bad Illinois congressman and constant Crocodile crying Adam Zinger said they are all listening to him on the radio. Bongino called Adam Kinzinger a fucking crybaby who wets his diapers and then his family is embarrassed to have such a weak individual and sorry ass excuse of a male within the family.  The Republican rhino was humiliated on air by Dan Bongino who told Adam Zinger to come and see him face to face and what a gutless coward he is if he doesn't. Dan Bongino says that Adam Kingman can't do nothing about being blasted on the radio and indeed the badass

conservative talk show host who has brilliantly and successfully replaced a legend Rush Limbaugh utterly humiliated this fuck job former Illinois horrible Republican congressman and media scumbag. 

      Bongino made mention Adam Kinzinger was nailing Liz Cheny in her arse when both were part of  the corrupt January 6th committee working with the Democrats to try to smear Trump in this upcoming campaign and since then he has been pretty silent in television, but vocal and arrogant through social media. Adam Kissinger is a little crybaby who wets his pants and fits of rage and the chances of him taking Dan Bongino's challenge and come and face to face to him are little to none. Dan Bongino quite literally would bust the head of Adam Kinzinger in a fight and Adam undoubtedly would never dare to say the stuff he says on Bongino's Twitter X accounts face to face as without a doubt Kinzinger is a gutless coward and the treasonous pussy bastard and was a fake making a mistake Adam singer was a Democrat and his entire occupation of a Republican district was evident as the amount of time Adam

Zinger spent bashing Donald Trump instead of the failed Democratic party policies and evil  illegitimate President Joe Biden proved of what political side Adam King sided with as a congressional member. In addition ....in addition Adam King did very little for his congressional district and he would have been voted out suffering a major humiliation and he was quite literally lucky that his district was folded when Illinois lost a seat. Quite frankly Illinois lost a congressional seat because of failed politicians like Adam have failed to stop the slide of economic decline and it is idiots in our political system in Illinois like

Adam Kingman who helped destroyed the state and has seen population dropped to the point where seven congressional seats have disappeared in my lifetime through massive population loss and people moving out of the state. Adam King is a pussy who would never take Dan Bongino's challenge and Bongino's annilation and humiliating takedown of Adam Zinger was utterly hilarious and is Bongino said there's not a goddamn thing Adam King is going to do about anything Dan Bongino said because he's a pussy ass bitch with a 1 in between his legs

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