Frank Gore Jr angry at 257 players drafted in front of him and expected his father's nepotism to help him to be a top 10 pic angered considers going into gay porn

      Earl " Bam Bam" Cunningham

    Frank Junior Gore was a college running back for the University and it's the son of a NFL baller with 10,000 yards or more of Rushing.  Clearly Gore Junior thought he would be in and set however on draft day Frank  Gore Junior was shocked and appalled as he did not get drafted until way late and over 257 players were picked in front of him. Frank Gore Jr went on to cry to the media with his crocodile or alligator tears that there is no way that $257 players are better than him ignoring that NFL scouts have developed a skill of evaluating talent and their proven methods are stellar in predicting who will be a successful NFL baller. Gore Jr says he's going to show the fucking NFL and scouts when he comes in the league that he is indeed the second coming and Earl Campbell and Walter Payton combined. The NFL draft process and he is so angered and triggered that he is seriously reconsidering even playing

National Football League and going through the hard work of summer camp and making a NFL team as a late-round draft pick. According to some sources the North Melbourne Kangaroos and the Queensland Reds are thinking about adding Frank Gore junior to their trial teams and perhaps Gore Junior should go and try another league or sport where he might have success because essentially being tagged so late in the draft apparent that he has failed as a potential NFL prospect. 

     Frank Bore Junior is so angry he wants to kick some ass and he recently stated that the first hockey honkie he comes across who says something snarky to them in the locker room as a press person Gore Jr promises to break their pencil-neck meanwhile Frank or Junior is awesome looking at other potential options they are not sports related and this includes being a good bottom and gay porn as it might be

more lucrative than any football future that he might have in the arena Canadian or the USXL ,XUSFL, USLX or whatever that League stupid spring league is called. The fact is Frank Gore Juniors not going to be a NFL major baller despite his father's success and likely this narcissist Gore junior thought that his nepotism and daddy would ensure that he would have been a top 10 first round pick which did not occur. This made Frank Gare so mad so sad and his anger and triggered this little crybaby Frank Fort Jr needs to start learning the grease his ass and is there any potentials as a queer bomb ass gay porn likely would be more lucrative than anything he would earn in professional American football

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