Hulk Hogan appear son the Earl and Greg Hodge show and puts his name in the ring for vice president for Trump

 Jay Yang

     Earl and Greg Hodge run something called the Conservative twins where The Hodge twins are perhaps when the biggest names and conservative YouTube talk show history. The Hodge Twins have numerous channels and one of their channels is a interview channel as a squared off one-on-one with the great one Hulk Hogan. The Hawkster sat down with Earl and Brad Hodge to discuss politics in the upcoming election among other things naturally the topic of working out as The Hodge Twins used to be a workout YouTube crew was brought up, but not eventually the topic of a politics dominated the interview. Hulk

Hogan basically said that he would love to be Donald Trump's vice president and said that a Trump-Hogan ticket would be unbeatable for the foreseeable future. Hulk Hogan then said that perhaps he would run for 8 years as Republican when Trump's term was up and he would either pick Donald Trump Jr or perhaps Maryland former Governor Larry Hogan if he becomes senator The Hodge twins suggested a All Hogan ticket for 2028 a unusual possibility and Earl Hodge hopes the Hulk Hogan is indeed picked as a surprise vice president from Mr Trump just to stick it to the corporate mainstream media and the Democrat Party.

     Hulk Hogan once flirted with running for president back in 1996 when he ran and formed the New World Order which he predicted would be a international cartel that we see now trying to dominate all politics, economies, and destroy all countries and borders. Hulk Hogan said that now only would he run and be president for 8 years he would also go for a third term if he's so survives, but the chances of the Hulkster and the years of abuse he has done with his body with numerous Dr Fauci type injections to build mass and muscle. This likely will prevent this in fact we have on our sidebar three to one odds of Ric Flair Hogan death ticket ticker and many people are going to Vegas making predictions of which wrestling Legend is going to drop dead first. We have long predicted that odds will dip it down for these two and the current odds for who will drop dead first between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan is Mr Flair at 3:1. However, given the number of injections and Hulk Hogan's head into his blood system let it be anabolic

steroids or the Covid jab clearly the muscle head Mass loser Hulk Hogan might be more serious and danger as indeed he is a bigger mass whose heart would have trouble pumping more blood.  We have contacted our favorite Backpage whores Monique and Leticia to do their usual death dance these two girls often do a death dance for an ailing old persona and a celebrity to help speed the process of someone dying . Indeed we will contact them to do dances for both Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan as this debates and gamble is like in its 10th year on this blog and he internet of who will drop dead first and I am anxious to see who will 

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