Jesse Lee Peterson mocks and levels propagandist David Pakman and his Trump dementia claims

 Ramon Ramos

       Stupid swollen eye, big mouth, grease-haired for pay propagandist and failed podcaster David Pakman totally got leveled by the great agent for God known as Jesse Lee Peterson. Mr Peterson quite literally leveled David Hackman in a 5-minute rant bashing the failed Argentine illegal immigrant who has a podcast and for clout just talks about Donald Trump every day on his YouTube channel and internet media show. David Packman is a toupee wearing grease ball greasy hair liar who is so desperate for attention he just lies and spreads misinformation against Donald Trump and Republicans on a daily basis it is though Donald Trump that David packman clearly shows his Trump Derange Syndrome and the radical member of the far left keep spinning and lying trolling Trump

supporters by making daily claims now of Trump's dementia and cognitive decline. David Packman obviously does this because he is upset at the numerous claims against Joe Biden's mental incapacity from the right and they point out Biden is clearly senile. 

      As a good spinner David Packman literally spins the video evidence that comes out on daily basis. Jesse Lee Peterson bashed the greasy-hair smelly swollen face of Pakman along with his palepakskin Android . Jesse Lee blasted the fascism in David Packman as the fascist that he is and quite literally King David  would fit in with the Soviet Empire of 100 years ago and the propagandist from Venezuela cannot stop lying and spreading misinformation concerning the obvious dementia between the two presidential candidates. Jason Lee Peterson wonders if David Pakwoman is suffering from a very early dementia as the 30 something year old Packman keeps making claims of Donald Trump having cognitive decline despite the sharp 3-hour speeches and rallies Mr Trump is able to make with very few mistakes. When one

contrasts this to failed President Joe Biden who has trouble not making four mistakes in one paragraph when he's speaking and the obvious gas lighting that David Packman does for his Democrat fascist Global party is reprehensible. Davis Pakman brain is bananas as he is fit in anger  at Trump's success and this  insane lunatic that is David Pakman as Jesse Lee ridicule the Pac-Man show and what David Pakman presents and gets funded by internationalist too provide the Soviet Pravda type propaganda. Make no mistake swollen eyes of David Packfucker look nervous because he knows Donald Trump is winning and Packman is desperate to aid and try to confuse people with a new concentrated attack from far left media such as PBS and NPR and the likes of Eugene Robinson at Washington Post too write fairy tales of Donald Trump's dementia and

cognitive decline. Jesse lee Peterson says David Pakman likes a drug addict who is so gooped up on glop he spins every criticism that is made successfully by conservatives against failed Joe Biden and attempts to redirect it in pure lies and smears against the 45th and best American president in the last 100 years.

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