Jesse Waters levitates MSNBC and CNN for their fake story of Trump attacking the city of Milwaukee

 Kevin Rooster

      Once again the fake news networks of CNN and MSNBC are working on behalf of Joe Biden the Democrat Party as a fake news story of Donald Trump calling our beloved City Milwaukee a horrible city has come out. This lie of Trump bashing the Cream city is brought through these far-left radical fake news networks and none of this claim of what Donald Trump said about Wisconsin's largest city has any validity or truth. Once again CNN and it's various stupid hosts along with the race black supremacist network of MSNBC are trying to smear Donald Trump working on behalf of Democrat Party donor money and the usual corrupt fraudulent

money that comes into this Global Order. Fox News Jesse waters bashed the living crap out of CNN and these other liberal fake networks in trying to inflame people in Milwaukee with mal formation news of trump making bad comment about the people of Milwaukee and waters says that CNN is a perpetual lying network. 

      The Democrats are lying once again through their corrupt mainstream media networks that Donald Trump dissed the city of Milwaukee and without evidence the scum and likes of Joe Scarborough and others are claiming that Donald Trump called Milwaukee a horrible shithole city. What they didn't say on these far-left crazy media channels is this would have had the truth as Milwaukee indeed a large section of it is a ghetto and is indeed a horrible city there is no evidence or facts that Donald Trump said this. However, this doesn't matter to the racists at the race network of MSNBC as Rachel Maddow along with fellow homosexual Chris Hayes and the black supremacist Al Sharpton continue to pedal in meddle and lies against Donald Trump. 

    The fact is there is no evidence that they said anything about Milwaukee, and this is more indication that the Democrat Party is getting more extreme and more desperate losing to Donald Trump and they are unable to comprehend what to do. This disgusting newest smear attempt involving one of our favorite cities we often go three or four

times a month in Milwaukee is intended to interfere with the Wisconsin state election which is extremely close. Whether the CNN and MSNBC and other ABC Disney corporate Democratic Party media retracts from the statements is not known, but what is known is that these networks belong to the Democratic Party and they often run political interference with scum like George Stephanopoulos lying to the American

people on behalf of the Democrat party. Indeed, thanks to the likes of Jake Tapper and George Stephanopoulos extreme lies of what Donald Trump referred and said about the city of Milwaukee is being made by these globalist propagandists for the Democratic Party. Once again, the lack of trust and the demise of the integrity of the corporate mainstream media is being ingrained into the American people through these lies that they continue to go to.  Jesse Waters quite literally called out the hoax of CNN and

leveled the extremity that the Democrat Party and the far-left media will go. Jesse Watrs says that their comments against Donald Trump concerning the city of Milwaukee are extremely untrue and are intended again to interfere with the very close election that Donald Trump is ahead of Joe Biden in the state of Wisconsin

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