Morbidly obese failed former New Jersey governor failed three-time presidential candidate Chris Christie hospitalized in Bellevue Hospital

     Ed West

    The fat morbidly obese sorry excuse for modern  human beings Chris Christie has pretty much disappeared and rumors are spiraling. From some sources Chris Christie has been hospitalized in a mental hospital and a a federal pen after losing the Republican primary in his fourth or fifth presidential attempt. The failed former New Jersey governor who had record low approval ratings when he left office desires power so much that he is quite literally become a madman without it. The morbidly disgusting fat politician is no longer having any political office and by all accounts Chris Christie could not win dog catcher of

Caldwell County, New Jersey if he so decided to run. Chris Christie has no political future, no media monarchy, and no sense of living aside from being a fat piece of art and this explains why Chris Christie likely has been hospitalized in Bellevue Hospital in New York. Chris Christie is in more of a Fitting Place these days in a room with a padded wall and a armless white jacket as the mental breakdown of Chris Christie cannot be understated.

     The complete failure of this man politically and national elections may have been what drove this fat man to rage. Chris Christie is yelling and in complete rage as he was hospitalized and from some sources he has been in the hospital last 3 months, thus explaining the eerily quiet and lack of knowledge or news on the failed former New Jersey governor. Chris Christie is

getting the mental help he long deserved and should have seeked years ago instead of his crazy numerous stressful presidential failed runs. Christie went nuts as quite literally this jackass was hammered and debates and thankfully for him he had softball media appearances that relaxed him a little bit as he got to go on the media and Bash Donald Trump very often on MSNBC and CNN. However since losing in the Republican primary, Chris Christie was not getting in the invitations that he expected and had received in the past and quite literally has been going on a ranting lunacical raging

meltdown. Crazy Chris literally was going to Krispy Kreme and was harassing staff yelling throwing donuts all over the place. Thankfully for now Chris Christie is in a safe place for himself and others and he might or might not be receiving the mental help he long deserves. We hope Chris Christie well and hope a long recovery and hospital stay is extended for this man for several years in the mental hospital. Whether we see Chris Christie once again in the media and running for president again in 2028 remains in highly in doubt

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