Sean Fitzgerald goes off on felony charges for doing donuts on pride symbols

     Wally Jackson

       Scumbag class of 2020 covid authoritarian fascist jackass governor of Washington Jay Inslee assigned a new bill much to dismay of many freedom of people. This idiot has now made a felony for people to disrespect and markup \pride homo symbols and pride Flags painted on the middle of the street by these woke politicians and activists. Governor Jay Inslee has made it a felony crime to do donuts and to vandalize homosexual pride neurotic slogans and symbols and this is outraged Shawn Fitzgerald of YouTube \Actual Justice Warrior. Three teens were arrested for doing donuts marking up a huge rainbow mafia hate flag that was drawn up in the middle of the road and indeed these flags are being drawn up in order to bait people to do crimes like this and thus have wicked shit head politicians like scumbag Jay Insle to upgrade these crimes that are essentially non-violence and unimportant. Essentially Jay Insulin

others want to punish and bait those who might oppose the LGBTQTT sick agenda as the homosexual crowd in this country are the most perverse and demented imaginable . Basically Jay Inslee wants special status based on sexuality and willingness of a group to self-portray itself as a victim constantly triggered by the slightest offense or disrespect. For many Urban Democrats

this is a constituency that is sacrificial Brown stick their noses up get depo into.  Jay Inslee's fucking nose is so fucking brown with a GLBTQ gay community that it was not surprising that this scumbag would press up charges for essentially trivial things that are done against them and their hate symbols. Jay Inslee looks and is akio to having Keith Olberman as a governor and this clown is a joke

Sean Fitzgerald says this is further evidence of the work Madness of the Democratic Party and showed how we have sick politicians like Jay Inslee making these crimes upgraded while lowering the charges of dangerous felons and those who hurt and attack and kill people on the street is utterly ridiculous. Jay Inslees sinister upgrade and special

status for the GLBTYE community should go up to the Supreme Court as it is unequal protection from the law and is ranked based crime decisions of victimhood that should be declared illegal. That one Governor can upgrade the crime for disrespecting pride in homosexual symbols into a felony while actual felony crimes are downgraded because the statistics show that certain racial groups commit more of those. we need to get scum like jay Inslee out of office.

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