Hulk Reigns at republican convention lays groundwork hints at 2028 run

 Burt Berg

       Laying the groundwork for a possible 2028 run former professional wrestler Hulk Hogan absolutely lit the stage during the Republican primary warning drug dealers, hustlers, criminals, and gang bangers the New deal and dawn was on the way. Hulk Hogan tore into the rear end of the Democrat Party and how they're concentrated economic war against real Americans is a reality and something that should be concerned for us all. Hulk Hogan went on to praise Donald Trump and his courage and was so outraged that they tried to kill Donald Trump that he Hulk Hogan tore his shirt and underneath it was a Hulk Hogan JD Vance campaign shirt. 

     The Hulkster is absolutely laying the groundwork for 2028 run and he looked incredible shape for his age much more of a stronger image than the current illegitimate and global puppet that is failed presidential Biden Hulk Hogan's amazing speech made Donald Trump smile and laugh and indeed we may be seeing the passing of the torch of magnet towards Hulk Hogan 2028. The

incredible charisma, strength, and power of Hulk Hogan is still evident in 2024 as it was in 1984 and this man is a committed Trump supporter and showed up at the Republican convention to give a great 10 minute speech blasting the far left and the third move towards a criminal element in this country. 

     Hulk Hogan believes in law and order and from what he sees any urban city the Democrat Party that runs them have seen crime to run amok and this is something that needs to be changed and will be changed will the upcoming Republican victory November. Many people are looking forward to head to 2028 and then Hulk Hogan a

month ago stated that he is indeed running for president, and he would do a 12-year term, and this will be a goal of his if elected in 2028. What the future holds for this wrestling legend is uncertain but it appears that he is always been interested in politics and has plenty of free time and interest in it right now to perhaps make this shocking run in four years

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