Dr Sabrina Strings goes loco on Jesse Lee Peterson complains that the ideal image of Chinese Beauty and Cheng Er of Chinese slender and docile is what black men want

       Bernardo Romano

     I don't know what type of Doctor Sabrina Strings is but I'll be willing to bet that she's a doctor of Sociology or some bullshit collegiate major. The fake doctor appeared on Jesse Lee Peterson's program to bitch and complain about fat phobia and how fat phobia is black phobia and all sorts of other far left woke nonsense that the troll Jesse Lee Peterson often has on his show and confronts. Dr Sabrina Strings cried and bitch that the ideal beauty of Slender and Chinese is something that she terms anti-black and anti-humanity. Serena Strings went on to mention the beauty of slender Chinese women like our favorite Chinese car model Chang Er and clearly the jealousy of doctors of sociology Strings has for slender Chinese and Asian women is outrageous. Sabrina

Strings just is triggered and angry that as far as all the world's women and rankings most men would have black women like her way low last on the totem pole of beauty standards for women. Weather Dr Sabrina Strings likes it or not tall slender young

white women and Chinese women are preferred by her black men and 99.9% of heterosexual men.  Black men would prefer Chang Er over the average black woman in this country is obese and overweight, doesn't take care of themselves, and usually are

rude and crude . Dr Sabrina Strings went on some woke crazed ideology where she attacked the beautiful Cheng Er of tick tock and China car modeling fame and said this is not should not be the standard Beauty and that fat acceptance needs to be enforced onto the population. 

    Dr Sabrina Strings went on to say that fat phobia is indeed black female phobia and the back and forth between her and Jesse Lee Peterson arguing her stupid points and how he is noticed that most black women are nasty and this is why they are mostly single. These two argue tenaciously for over an hour in a  riveting interview and another great Jesse Lee Peterson Fallen State interview where he exposed the craziest ideology of today's black American Woman. Whether this Sabrina Strings fake doctor likes her or  not Chang Er and slender tall Chinese women are the standard of global Beauty and most men have consistently across all cultures and races are in ratings and preferences have had Chinese beautiful women on top of their rankings of most

beautiful woman and they will never list Black women near the top. In our opinion Cheng Er is the epitome of beauty and is a living goddess. Dr Sabrina Strings is ugly and would never be considered a goddess and thus she is another angry black woman fencing her frustration and  psychotic thinking and opinions on the Jesse Lee Peterson show to say that Dr Sabrina strings is a whacker whack job wanker is under stated. She is extremely jealous of the standard of beauty and preference for white and Chinese women

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