Joe Biden admits his brain is fucked and he is now suffering from a fifth Covid case

 Brian Brain

   Failed and soon to be exiled and booted out from his own political party jackass Elgin the President Joe Biden knows his time is up. Slow Biden has been an utter failed president one of the worst no the worst president in the history of the United States. The legacy of Joe Biden will be this as this demented 91-year-old nothing but trouble president and his horrible, picked administration is a complete economic and foreign policy disaster. Joe Biden is a troll who is a race divider and an extreme Anti-American that somehow has been put in a position of power through international anti-American economic forces wanting a easy puppet and a President and who hates his fellow countrymen. Make no mistake, Joe Biden is one of the most evil and disgusting repulsive human beings of all time and this small state failed senator from a little inconsequential Delaware was promoted to the vice presidency from a lunatic president and scumbag known as Barack Hussein Obama.

      Mr Obama and those globalists that pushed and promoted this failed former Illinois race hustler, bad race studies professor University of Chicago, and  extreme community activist and extorter became president. These  same forces wanting a anti-American Pro-global president and power and able to make the decisions that have allowed and destroyed the power and might of Americans in business and commerce Joe Biden has continued the disastrous tradition after the Islamist canyon to term president who was failed and whether term was up and whether Barack Hussein Obama is still leading or Joe Biden was actually the present last 4 years will never be known. What is known as Joe Biden or Barack Hussein Obama presided in the last 3 years on a disastrous purposeful economic ruined pathway and this is why this evil and administration and the Democratic power needs to be utterly destroyed come November. Barack Hussein Obama is a Islamist and  having funded Iran and allowed the monetary flow towards Iran through oil sales to be allowed so it could fund terrorists in Lebanon and the Gaza strip.

    Slow Joe Biden might be days in a week and being replaced as the failed horrible jackass president even made a truthful emission several times in the past that will come back and bite him in the ass Joe Biden admitted that he has brain problems and indeed this idiot has had brain problems since he was in his late 20s early 30s all the way to his mid 80s and today. Joe Biden's brain is getting weaker and sprained all the time as his cells are a much of mashed potato and scrambled eggs together and this tasteless jackass knows his time is up.

Whenever someone who is in a position of power admits that their brain is fucked up then it is time for him to be replaced and the arrogance of this failed former vice president, failed Delaware senator, and horrible illegitimate President Joe Biden has been painfully obvious to the common Man. Joe Biden has wage a economic war against the middle class and the

people in Middle America and precisely this mother fucker needs to be put on trial and perhaps given the ultimate price to pay for it attacking this country. Look for Joe Biden to be a convicted felon as when Donald Trump gets in charge of the justice system all the crimes that Joe Biden has committed since a Delaware senator will come and perhaps even the fall fail former president of Barack Hussein Obama as well will be charged. This man clearly is a criminal and still a radical as he has always been since his

days the University of Chicago both Obama and Joe Biden will be the federally charged and the walls of justice are slowly closing in these two son of a bitches scumbags who conspire to do their best to help China and Iran rise while weakening this country as quickly as they could through their policies of economic sonic boom attack. Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama and illegitimate current President Joe Biden are going to be put on trial given the ultimate sentence and we could  see and execution to go on public television for these two traitors to this country

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