Milt Rosenberg and Charles Lipson bash the teacher's unions and the psychopaths running it such as Becky Pringle after a psychotic speech

       Rusty Stone

     Calling the teachers unions the most radical individuals in the country WGN Radio wholesome Milton Rosenberg and University of Chicago professor and perpetual guest of his Charles Lipson absolutely tore this corrupt institution. The teachers across this country are hugely paid and for the most part they are doing a horrible job teaching American kids in the grammar school ,junior high, and high school level. They have formed a corrupt powerful union that is very politically active and very propagandous in their approach and a recent crazed speech by one of their leaders went recently went viral. The over the top crazy antics of teacher Union president Becky Pringle utterly with

ridiculous as both Milt Rosenberg and Charles Lipson talked about this woman and the corruption of the teachers unions across the country. Becky Pringle quite literally look like a lunatic and she preached on her bully pulpits and went into a psychotic rage concerning the upcoming election and the need for the Democrats to defeat Donald Trump. Milt Rosenberg wondered what kind of people are leading these teachers' union and why would any sensible parents continue to keep their kids in public schools win by all essence these schools are run by crazy individuals such as Becky Pringle and other far left radicals attempting to bring about their own form of cultural reform and change that they desire.

     Becky Pringle is just one of many top union leaders in the National Federation of Teachers and her recent diatribe against Donald Trump and the Republicans was more evidence why we need to organize and defeat this demonic force and the primarily backer of the fascist Democratic party are these failed teachers' unions. These are the same people that attempted to shut down schools and deny your kids' education during a little virus in 2020 and both Charles Lipson and Mel Rosenberg agreed that educators like Becky Pringle present existential threat to the family structure and your ability to raise the kids as you want your kids as you want. Some would say the teachers' unions and the crazy leaders like Becky pringle are a existential threat to our country as well.  Pringle is a lunatic who

should be wrapped up in a white jacket and put in a room with padded walls and Milt Rosenberg says that many of these top union members and teachers unions are indeed crazy left-wing Communists such as Becky Pringle the need to defeat Becky Pringle is crucial as Charles Wilson listed into the complete failures of many Urban educational Systems and cities across Democrat sitting Blue cities and indeed the teachers unions are much more interested in raising money and funneling money than actually are committed to their profession in teaching kids. Rosenberg and Lipson told people to get their kids or grandkids the hell out of public schools as psychotic individuals like Becky Pringle are the norm in your classroom and they are intent on brainwashing and reprogramming your kids into what they desire

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